Tuesday, December 31, 2013

This crazy journey called....BACK TO HEALTH

So I've been doing a lot of research lately on my last week of vacation.  Some of you may be thinking, why is she posting so much stuff?!  And usually all related to cooking, baking, making my own things, etc.

Well, if I haven't shared much of the medical journey recently...

Mainly, that the Doc was seriously concerned about my health.  And that if things were continuing the way they were, I wasn't looking at a very long life at all.  But most concerned for the Doc, as well as Eric and I, was the fact that no one has been able to figure out the mass reactions I have to things...from allergy tests to blood tests, it has seemed that my body is thrown off kilter and literally sick.  From the migraines, to the rapid weight gain (it is documented that within one month, I gained 25 pounds, WITH proper diet and exercise, by the way).  Also, extreme swelling of my limbs, joints, sudden severe and intense back pains. Constant vertigo, dizziness, nausea within 30 minutes of eating.  And the worst of it all...a blood sugar that even the doctors were...well...shocked...especially given the family history of diabetes and other things.  (The Doc pulled a med student or two in because of the unusualness of what was going on.)

With all of that being said, the Doc couldn't figure out why.  And every medication thrown at me, just made me, well, sicker.

So, after a lot of prayer with Eric, and a lot of quiet time, we decided one thing: that we would listen to Him for my eating habits, diet, etc.  And that the research would begin.  The one thing we both knew: neither one of us wanted me to die much earlier than anticipated, which, given the prognosis, would have been within 5 years.  (Imagine our shell-shock when we got this news...)  My amazing husband decided that whatever I cooked and ate, or didn't eat, he would follow.

And he's been true to his word.  And we are seeing the results.  (His pants are getting smaller and smaller each month!  As for me, we have been able to, FINALLY, stop the weight gain.  It's been a bit more stable, though still off by far on what I need to be for a more healthier me.)

It's also why I am so passionate about beginning to grow, and make, my own things.  Because I know what's in them.  After fasting for a period of time from certain foods, and then reintroducing them (sometimes by sheer accident), we finally began to figure out what exactly is triggering the majority of symptoms in my body.  And it all stems on the foods I've been eating.

Which started the research and documentary journey I've been on.  I have another doctor's appointment to be scheduled this coming week...and we have no idea what the doc is going to say...it's another blood lab work, so...I'm hoping that it's going to show a difference, especially since I tossed the medication away over a month ago because it was causing my blood pressure to go up to 170/99.  Yes, you read that right.  All within 2 WEEKS.

So, if you start seeing a lot of research being posted on my FB feed, organic recipes, DIY things, you know why now.  Eric and I are refusing to give up, and are continuing to battle this thing.  I've slowly become passionate about what I've put in my body, and am learning to be just a little more aware of things.

No, Eric and I haven't given up some stuff.  We still have the occasional bout of going out to eat, or my "cravings", but I'm slowly learning that in order to feel good, and to beat what's going on inside my body...it's going to take some pretty drastic measures.

So, let the search for farm fresh produce begin.  And a good juicer... :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Story of Us........11/10/13

A few people (cough cough...many people...cough cough) have been wanting to know the story of how my husband and I met.  How we got together.  The story of...uh...us.  (Notice the title, anyone?? :) )

So, I thought what better way to go about this than on the www.  lol  No, seriously.  It's easier to tell this story once, versus 30 times.  In a row.  To all different people.  Who all want to know.

Here is the story of us.  Which I'm kinda glad my hubby is off at church while I get ready for our photo shoot session.  It gives me some time to think, reflect, and miss the heck outta this man.  (Not to mention the unfairness of men only needing, like, 30 minutes to get ready and dressed.  I need a good solid two hours, plus more if I'm gonna do fingers and toes.  Like, seriously, who thought of these rules and standards for having to get this dolled up, and then making it to where it takes FOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEEEVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR to do it?!?!....sorry.....end rant now....)

Okay, so, back to the story.

In March/April 2013, during my quiet time, I kept hearing the Lord tell me it was time to go back to the whole dating scene thing.  And not just any dating scene.  Back to....OMGAREYOUFORREAL?!...online dating.  To which I told Him, in all quite frank honest, "Hell no."  Just like that.  No joke.  (For those of you Christian people who would be shocked, I'm sorry.  Please get over your shockiness.  In my quiet time, it's no holds barred, flat out tell it like it is, whether it's joyful, fearful, happy or sad, the secret place is a place to get real.  And if I'm to treat Him like my best friend, well, let's be honest.  I've got a bit of the ghetto in me. *wink wink*)  I then not only told Him no, I told Him no several times.  I wasn't going to do it.  Not after the fiasco of...um...the man who shall be left nameless.  (Eric calls him the jerk.)

Here I am, in my room, and I hear Him tell me to try E-Harmony.  Again, in my head, I'm also thinking, ummm...noooo.....I just...can't....  And then, I ignore that prompting, and live life onwards and upwards.

Fast forward to May/June 2013.  I again hear the prompting of signing up for E-harmony.  To which, after hearing it a bit more, uh, insistently, I tell the Lord...  (yeah...I know...the audacity...  But I am sooooo thankful that He meets us not only where we are at, but isn't easily offended at my, um, bumbling way of approaching things at times.)

Okay, so, I tell the Lord that in order for me to sign up for E-Harmony, a few things needs to happen:

1. I need to be able to afford it financially.  (Which, at the time, I couldn't.)
2. Before I even subscribe, I wanted 3 men to send me icebreakers showing that there was at least SOME interest in me before I put myself out there to the world.
3. I wouldn't do it if the above 2 weren't completely met.

And then, He did the unthinkable....He whispered something in my ear that made my eyes go all big, my jaw drop, and my tummy get the butterflies.  He whispered that this, was, it.  To which my response was, "Um.  No.  It's not.  I'll believe it when it happens."  But in my heart, growing like a tiny little seedling, was that seed of faith that someone had planted so many years ago.  The Word that I had gotten when I was 18 years old.

Well, I then go to the website, and I do the whole profile thing.  And as I'm doing my profile, guess what pops up in a lovely, bright box but...."Get 3 months for the price of 1."  No. Freaking.  Joke.  To which my eyes got real big like, and then I whispered, out loud, in a panic, "BUT YOU HAVEN'T MET THE OTHER REQUIREMENT YET!!  THIS FAT LADY AIN'T SINGING YET!!!!!!!"  (Yeah, not even my hubby knew that one. lol  There are just some parts of my conversation I keep real quiet like about my quiet times. lol  Probably because I really do tend to talk to Him like I talk to my best friends.  Let's be honest, if I can't be real with my God, the One who created me, who can I really be real, honest and raw with?!)

So I wait.  And within 2-3 days, I LITERALLY get three icebreakers sent my way.  Yes, exactly, THREE.  No more.  No less.  So I start looking at their profiles (mind you, I still haven't subscribed, because, well, I'm stubborn.), seeing if I like what's heading my way.  I read the first one, and was, ehhhh....  I read the second one, and respond back.  Or at least try to.  But I can't.  Because I haven't signed up yet.  And then...(my hubby can tell you the exact date.)  I read the 3rd one.  And as I start reading through the profile, I let out a gasp.  My heart leaps and jumps.  And His still, small voice comes into play: "This is the one."

I read the profile a second time.  A third.  A fourth.  Mind you, I haven't seen a picture of this man AT ALL.  All I can judge him by is his words.  And I'm liking what I'm reading.  And my heart pounds.  And I go to PB and tell her about this guy.  And that....dare I say it....I'm signing up....for E-Harmony.  AAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH

Once I sign-up, I respond back to this "Eric" person.

And he responds.  Sends me 3 multiple choice questions.  I respond.  He sends me his must haves/can't stands; I send mine.  Then, he does the unthinkable...sends me 3 questions that I ONLY HAVE 1000 CHARACTER LIMITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For this talker, this is...TORTURE.  I despise the system at this point.  And it takes me THREE HOURS to condense my response to 1000 characters or less.  Because, I am EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!  I'm desperately trying not to get my hopes up, but I keep hearing His voice directing, guiding, leading.

I follow on.

The next step, after all of this, is email communication within the system.  So it's still secure.  No harm done.  No personal info required.  yaay

Well, we communicate and email, back and forth, for several days, multiple hours in a day.  This man makes me laugh with his words.  Makes me guess, think, question, look through scripture.  And every day I feel myself falling a bit more.  And I've only seen a few pictures of him.  (Which, later on, realized that NONE of them did him justice, by the way.  Sorry, honey.)

And then...he does the unthinkable...   But only after I tell him that I'm meeting MC for coffee one night.  He tells me HE wants to have coffee with ME.  Say whaaattt?!?!  He doesn't know this, but I had a mini-heart attack right there on  the spot.  OMGHEWANTSTOMEETMENOOOOOOOOOOOO.  (Okay, so I realize that my self-image and self-confidence still needs quite a bit of work at times....)

My response: "I'd love to have coffee with you.  Just let me know when and where."  <---HA  Further proof I can pretend I'm cool, calm & collected. :)  man, I'm good!! lol

We make plans to meet at an IHOP near the two of us.  And in between the times, we are texting back and forth.  And he makes me laugh.  Makes me think.  And sends me scriptures.

We meet.  We laugh.  And we spend FIVE HOURS talking to each other on our "date".  We go from IHOP to HEB, and all the way we are talking.  And neither one of us wants to end it, but we have to, 'cause I have to be at work at the crack of freakin' dawn.

And...we're both comfortable.

So, we continue texting.  And the more we get to know each other, the more that we are slowly tuned towards each other.  (I hate the word falling in this aspect, but for lack of better terminology, this may be what you get for right now.)  We talk about our beliefs, our values, morals...everything.  Nothing is held back.

And a response of his that I still remember to this day, "Every objection I could possibly have, God has taken it in your life and showed His blessings and grace.  It just makes you more and more desirable for courtship."  OMG did my heart just go all googly-eyed on that one.  (I am such a girly sap! lol)

You see, he had NO IDEA what the Word was that was given to me when I was 18.  Some of you do.  I've told you.  I still have it written down.  "The first man to ask to court you will be your husband."  I've held on to that word for many, many years.  And had slowly started to give up on it.  Through tears, anger, rage, battles, and seasons of no romantic thoughts whatsoever; through being asked in the secret place if I was willing to give up any thought of marriage and remain single...this word was still there, just waiting, being planted, watered, growing, pruning....  What a faithful Abba Father I have.

And then fast forward, to one fateful evening, at REALLY LATE FOR THE BOTH OF US night.  I had an anxiety attack.  In the middle of my conversation, on the phone, with Eric.  Over some outside circumstances that were happening that didn't involve me one iotta.  And his response: you haven't eaten dinner; come over, meet at IHOP; let me buy you dinner; be safe.

I drive up to his apartment complex on my way to swing by and pick him up (hey...fair exchange for dinner and dealing with all the drama of me), and there is this knock on the window.  I roll my window down, and he presents me with a single red rose and the following words: "I wanted to get you something to make you smile through the bad."  And I desperately try to compose myself.  Even now, tears are in my eyes and I try to be, uh, somewhat normal....  (as my husband says, it's allergies...)

My smile is a mile wide.  This is the first time I've received flowers from a man.  I...wow....just....I can't stop smiling.

We drive to IHOP.  And he lets me talk.  And talk.  And talk.  And because we have a certain rule between the two of us, he laid out a notebook, Bible and pen between the two of us.  And we continue to talk.  And read scripture to each other.  And discuss scripture.  And I begin to tell him bits and pieces of my testimony.  Not everything.  Just...the important parts to help him understand why my reaction was so horrific to this outside circumstance.

(Now, for this next part, you have to understand our rule of having no cell phones out while we are with each other.  We only saw each other once a week, Sundays....so...we didn't want technology to interfere with our times together.)


He stops me, pulls out his phone, scrolls down and asks me to read something.

It was a text conversation between him and his best friend (well, one of them).  It went something like this:

EF:  Please pray.  Alex is driving down.  She's really upset about something, so I told her to come down, eat and talk it out.

RB: Okay.  Will do.  Praying for both of you.

EF: R____, I believe that I'm falling in love with this woman of God.  (that sentence is NOT paraphrased)  The more that we talk, God is showing me in every way just how amazing she is.  The more I get to know her, the more that I love her.  He keeps showing me His hand in this every step of the way.  Through all of my objections, I keep seeing and hearing that she is the one that He has for me.

As soon as I read that first sentence, my hand goes up to my mouth, and I gasp.  I start trembling.  And shaking.  And my eyes start filling up.  And I look at him, and just look.

He puts his phone away again very calmly I might add.  And then says:

"Alex, I am falling in love with you.  You are amazing.  And the more that I know you, the more that I am falling in love with you.  Will you give me permission to court you?"

To which I respond, with both hands to my mouth now, and nod repeatedly.  And not stop smiling.  He then goes, "So, is that a yes?"

I take my hands off my mouth and gasp out a pathetic yes. lol  And I still can't stop smiling.

(Even now, typing this out, my eyes are once again filled with tears.  And I can't stop smiling.  And my heart is pounding.  How I love this man so.)

I then go back home, and leave this message, written with sharpie, on a napkin, by the coffee machine where my roommate can read it, "He asked to court me tonight!"  (or some version of that)

And thus began our courtship.  In June.  About 2-3 weeks after we were matched on E-Harmony.

We knew where this was heading.  We acknowledged it.  We told our accountability partners.  And we continued to pray.  And he would text me, "Good morning, beautiful."  every morning.  And he would call me on the weekends with, "Good morning, beautiful".  And we chose to not kiss, or even hold hands.  But to not allow the physical stuff to get in the way of getting to know each other.  (Neither one of us wanted that temptation to be even more expounded and difficult.)

And then, July hit.

After discussing with the bro & sis, and after praying about it, I decided to ask for some days off and head up to NM w/ him to meet his two best friends getting married.  (to each other, in case anyone needs clarification on that one...)

Our first road trip together, after only knowing each other for maybe 3 weeks.  maybe a month.

Major discussion happened on that trip.  A lot of tears.  A lot of sharing.  But also, a lot of laughs.

And a lot of being spoiled by this man.  Who took me to the dinosaur museum.  And bought me a project to do w/ my kiddos.  And let me gasp and ohhh and ahhhh.  And didn't mind that I let all of my science nerdiness out in full force, in public.  And who actually joined in the nerdiness.

And we both realized....the beginning of the end....of our singleness season....

I loved his best friends.  And miss them terribly as they live far away.  But we knew that this courtship was heading into marriage.  We just didn't know the timeline of it all.  (By the way...during this trip was the first time that we held hands, if I remember correctly...)

So fast forward.  July 2013.  And just two months into our courtship, we finally decide to head to my church to check it out (my old church, that is...).  We're in the parking lot outside the apartments, and I start dusting off his shirt due to cat hair or some such, and I tell him to turn around.  And he says, hold on, as I'm trying to grab his shoulder to turn around...

And then he bends down on one knee, in a beautiful cool morning (okay, cool for Texas summers), with quiet all around, sunshine blazing, birds singing, and nobody at all around us), and asks, "Will you do me the honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?"

To which I respond, once again, with hands to mouth and nodding. LOL  I am HORRIBLE at spontaneous reactions. LOLOLOL

I say yes, he puts on the ring, and I hug this man til I can't hug no more.

The ring is beautiful.  And the only piece of jewelry that I wear, and miss, when it's not on my finger.

So, we begin planning for a December wedding.  The day after I get out of work, actually.  So that way I have Christmas break for our honeymoon, and I'm not having to worry about work, and he can take his vacation time, etc.


Fast forward.  Add some drama to my life.  And then a double dose of more drama.  Now a triple dose.

And we pray.  And seek counsel.  And pray some more, together.

I don't want to wait.  I'm ready.  I don't want to deal w/ the stress of planning this wedding.  (For stressed I most certainly am...just ask the three people who were helping me try to plan this wedding.  Many, many tears were involved, and it was only in the beginning stages.)  Not only that, but other things were going down in my life.  And I didn't want to wait.  I've waited so long for this man.  I've waited 12 years for this man.

And, I realize.  I'm ready.  I...really....am....ready.  I don't want the hype.  The pomp.  Or anything else.  I want...quiet.  And peace.  And....to have time to enjoy.

So we decide to quietly elope.  (What every woman thinks about, is what I've been told.)  And we have a dear friend of his witness and lead us into this new season together.  Eric, I and God.  What I wanted to begin with.  What I longed for with all of my heart.

And what most of you don't know, was that was two weeks before we did the courthouse proceedings.  So, I've technically been married twice. :) lol  FB only got to see those pics.  :)  And Eric and I now joke that I get more presents in the month of August: 2 anniversary dates, and my birthday. lol  I really do like presents...and I love giving those random ones too!

So, that's the story of us.

How we met.  Became in love.  And married.

With no regrets.  I love this man.  I...can no longer imagine life without this man by my side.  He supports me, strengthens me, encourages me, and holds me when I break down.  He is gentle, kind, strong, weak (his reliance on the Lord...just...amazes this stubborn me so much).  He is everything I have been praying for for so long.

And to think...

I almost gave in to the counterfeit.  I almost settled with something that was so very less than the best He had for me.

Now that you know the story of us, if you want to come celebrate with us, let me know.  We'd love to have you.  We'd love for you to be a very special part of our very unique family.


Because He has placed me in a new family now.  A family that I have longed for, prayed for.  (omg I'm seriously crying buckets right now)  He has taken what this orphan heart, and has filled it with so much joy, peace, happiness.  He has made me new.

And as I sit and type this, with tears pouring down my face, and sobs chocking out my mouth, I cannot convey just how truly blessed I am.  To have each and every one of my spiritual family to be a part of this.  To realize just how each of you have encouraged me, and continue to do so.  You all have been a part of this journey with me.  You have seen me, watched me, helped mold and shape me, helped to grow me up and strengthen me.  And I would never have been able to go on this journey of "us" if it wasn't for every single one of you.

And I am thankful and so very grateful to you.  My heart is overflowing.  For those near.  And for those far away.

Every. single. one. of. you. played a part in this.

I cannot stress this enough.

And to my new family.  The new ones that have taken me in as their own.

Paul.  Rachel.  Pops & Peg.

You all have no idea just how much you've filled the hole in my heart.  (and yes, I'm sobbing once again.)  A hole that so many didn't know was there.  Except for the few I allowed in.  How my heart has been crying out for family.  For...something that has been so hard to explain.

To see so many around me, and yet to feel so far apart.  To only realize now that I have a family who has taken me in.  And encouraged.  And...just....I so wish I could explain this better.  But just know that you all have no idea just how much you mean to me.

And for those of you all who are my extended spiritual family, my real family in my eyes, who have stuck with me through so much...the counselling, the anger and rages, the going out to parks and beating trees up with measly sticks....who have sat at park benches in nasty humidity and let me talk and pour out my heart, who called me every holiday, or texted me, knowing that I hated holidays...to those of you who have witnessed my deliverance, my kicking the cocoon and emerging into this gorgeous butterfly, or flower if you hate butterflies....to those of you who have given me words, encouraged me, spoke your mind, and called me out on my crap....to those of you who have NEVER given up on me when so many times I gave up on myself...

Thank you.

It's because of you all that I'm sitting here, typing as my husband is at church, sitting here getting ready for our photo shoot session for our pictures.

It's because of you, your prayers, your words.

It's because of you that I waited.  It's because of you that I didn't end my life during those very, very dark times when all I wanted was to commit suicide.  It was because of you that I held on to the promises that were given to me.  It was because of you that God showed me the meaning of what being in His family is.  It was because of each one of you that I never lost hope, when everything around me seemed so hopeless.  In the darkest of seasons, in the darkest of the storms, you never let me go; you held on; you hugged me; you let me cry on your shoulder; you cried with me, and mourned with me; you wiped the tears off my face and handed me tissues.


Thank you.

I love you.

And I hope every single one of you will be able to come celebrate this thankful heart for all that you have done for me.

In Him,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So it's been a few months since I've written anything.  I have no idea why. Maybe because life has changed drastically for me, & all for the better. 

Let's recap, shall we?  June met my husband,  July got engaged.  August got married & moved. And opened up a new program with my job. And saw the most busiest and hectic school yr of my wking life.

Not only that, but wked the entire summer with no break, including a rm that no one wanted to be in.  But one that I loved.  (They'll always be my babies no matter how big they get or how bad they behave.)

So. Yeah. Life has been crazy hectic. Not to mention having to deal with the numerous rumors & gossip of the whole reason why I got married.  *insert eye roll*  So, bear with me as I clear up some things and answer others today.

1. No, I am not pregnant nor was I ever pregnant,  resulting in why I got married.  If you thought that before,  shame on you for not knowing me as well as you thought.

2. The reason I kept quiet: okay peeps. By definition,  the nature of an elopement is quietness.  For once in my adult life,  I wanted to keep certain things to myself.  It was quite lovely to be able to have time to adjust and to not have the whole world know my business.  If that offends you, I am sorry. But after talking with the hubby, I realize I shouldn't have to apologize for that. This decision was made between he and I, as we are the ones sharing covenant together,  & it was fully made with his backing & knowledge.  Now with that being said,  the quietness was more for my sanity than anything else.  Eric & I took that time to just...be. Something that we both are immensely glad for right now.

3. Why I've been so quiet lately...  It isn't because I don't want to hang. I do. I just don't have the time, energy or capacity to right now.  This is where I have had to draw a line. I am choosing to invest in my marriage and my husband.  For all my married friends, I sincerely owe you an apology.  I had no idea how hard it is/was to juggle friendship maintenance and married life demands. And I judged you all on how you kinda threw me under the bus, per se, when you got married.  I never said anything,  but I am soooo sorry. It's hard trying to do all of 'this', & I have much to learn from those who have found a good balance.  Teach me please!!!!

4. For those that have stuck by me, thank you. So much has been happening in my personal life.  & I thank you for listening to me, & praying with me.  And for pouring in to me. You have no idea how much that has lifted my spirit and helped during the drama of the month. Thank you!

Now, I hope you didn't think that I'd end it just there.  The one thing that I can say without a doubt is that my Abba is good, & He is faithful.  As I'm learning to surrender and lay down my life for this ministry called marriage,  I can tell you so much I have already learned, both from the Mama & from my husband.  (Thanks Lynn for coffee dates!)  I am always astounded at my husband's love for me, & his willingness to sacrifice and speak into not just me, but the people and kids I work with.  What an amazing blessing I was given the day I said 'I do'. (& yes, honey, that includes the puns in the middle of Wal-Mart.) 

So, in closing,  know that each day has been ones of battles fought,  victories earned, & humbling myself to learn from some of the most amazing people around me.  It has been an honor and a privilege to walk with some of you. And to know that the best is yet to come!!! :)

Until next time,  my friends.  :)

Oh. Expect an e-vite & fb msg soon from me on a celebration party in December! : D

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

8 months...& forgetting it!

Well, by now, everyone's used to me posting my monthly progress reports of weight loss and such.

Well, this month, I can't do it.

Probably because I haven't really stepped on a scale in, well, awhile.  I've been busy. :)

With an amazing man in my life.  Who is my fiance!!!! OMG YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!  *happy dance ensues*

I could tell you about everything that is happening now, has happened, and is continuing to happen, but I think for now, I'm going to keep all of that private except for the few.

Just know...I'm not ignoring you all.  I'm just...once again...working on other things.  But I'll be most definitely glad to be back in the groove of things come the start of a new school year!  I'm counting down the days already!!!! :D

With that being said, until another time when I can spend more than a few minutes.

Ohh....and I know...most everyone wants to know the story of us.

Well, you're gonna have to wait.  Working on the website now.  Chill out, read a good book, and wait. ;)  It'll be worth it.  Trust me!  LOTS of God moments in it all. :)

Oh...and to answer EVERYONE'S question...yes, we have a date already set.  No, I'm not ready to share it yet (those who need to know, know).  And, though I love so many of you, we are choosing to have a private ceremony, with an OPEN reception.  Once the details get finalized, I promise I'll share. :)

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Okay...so this is all verbal vomit.  I apologize now.  I sincerely do.  But if you don't want to read on, don't.  Fair warning...words won't be nearly as pretty this time 'round.


Getting a contact text message, and other contact stuff, from a previous person from my past...Yeah, not so much.  Yeah.  You know.  The same person who attempted marriage proposal through text.  The same person who...okay...I really really really need to just leave it at that.

Guy, what in the world were you thinking?!  I've moved on.  It doesn't include you.  I'd apologize for that, but frankly, I don't feel the necessity to.

I dealt with the fall-out from you.  And my gosh was there fall-out from you.  And I didn't even realize it til AFTER I dealt with it.  The emotional manipulation.  The...wanting to control, to trying to make you the center of my universe.  Yeah.  No.  Oh hell no.  Sooooo not happening.  Sorry.  I already had one man in my life try and do that.  I'm not about to willingly enter into another one.  I refuse to allow myself to be abused once again.  NOT HAPPENING.

And yes.  I am royally pissed.  Pissed at the enemy.  Pissed at this man who thinks it's okay, after months, to just waltz back into my life and pick up as if nothing ever happened.

No. freakin'. way.

I refuse.

Just...AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH.  So, my response to this:  (copied directly from my text message, minus a few details like names, etc.)



"Ru alex???"

"Yes...I'm sorry.  Who is this?"  (okay...in my defense...stupid now I realize...since all of my parents from work have my number, I never know when I'll be contacted for my primary job...it's happened this late before, especially if there are...special circumstances...with my kiddos)

" (insert man's name here)"

"Ohhh.  Okay."  (I may be wordy, but what the heck do you expect me to say, when I had no clue and you freakin' came out of the woodworks like a cockroach.  SERIOUSLY?!?!?!)

"Wow not the response I hoped for..."  (Again, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!?!??!?!??!?!  I take back my original statement from fb.  Boys are weird.  Now, I know there are exceptions, like EF, and DM, and BT, and...okay, you get the point.  But still.  Did you expect me to jump for joy and be yippee!! ?!?!  Um, no thank you.)

"...I don't know how to respond.  Except to be as truthful as possible.  It's been a really long time since I've heard from you.  And during that time, I met an amazing man...."

And I promise, there's a reason why I'm typing all of this out, even if most of it first began in anger.  (I've calmed down as I've typed.)

That last statement from me...

...was all true.  I have met an amazing man.  He is a man who is pursuing God with all he knows how.  He is a man who makes me dig in the word daily when he sends me scriptures in the morning and makes me have to think and ponder those things.  He is a man who understands boundaries, and has been so very careful with my heart.  He is a man who is...in a nutshell...absolutely amazing.

I know.  I sound...sappy.  Yes, I realize this.  And I'm okay with this.  This is probably the only time you'll ever hear me announce to the world, at this point, how amazingly sappy I am.  So, get over it.  You'll be okay.

I've not only moved on.  I've realized just how wrong that person was.  That, if I had allowed myself to choose him, I would have settled for something that was so not God's best.  And I thank those friends who put up so many red flags in front of my face.  I thank them for seeing those things which I couldn't, because of my own woundings.

And now that He has been healing me and setting me free, allowing my wings to expand, my petals to bloom into something amazing and beautiful...

It's at this time how clearly I can see just how amazing my Abba is.  To answer such a call of my heart.  To know...that I'm being pursued...by an AMAZING man.  And that this journey has not only been one of discovering, but of growing.  Of learning to release my fears and allowing Him to capture my heart even more to His.

And I can't help but get this amazingly goofy grin on my face.  Why?  Because I'm not only happy.  I'm not only joyful.

I realize...I'm finally being set free.

And that in order to get to that point, I had to go through all of this.  Every.  Single.  Bit.

And I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm learning to be grateful for the junk, the crap, the heartache, the tears, and yeah, even the anger.  Each of those...has made me who I am, in some form, fashion and shape.  And I can't help but rejoice at just how amazing He is making me to be.

And I have to admit...having this amazing man speaking amazing things over me...has helped.  More than I could probably tell him to his face.  (surprise!!! lol)  Because I take those things, and ponder them, and allow that part of my heart to go, "oh.  wow.  He...likes me...  He...really...likes...me."

And not for what I could do for him, what I could give him, or because I could fulfill some need in him.

But he likes me...for me.  For who I am.  He sees my heart, my character, and...is amazed.

And I've gotta admit, I'm amazed back.

So, welcome to the new journey I'm on.  It's one that's been coming for a long while.

The journey of discovering...the pursuit. :)

(And for my nosey rosey friends, that's about the only update you're gonna get on this, so soak it in real good.)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Let the typing begin.....6-24-13

I know.  I should be in bed by now.  (On a random note, the time is 11:11.  The number 11 stands for deliverance & judgment.  Numbers together means double portion.)  I've seen those numbers a lot.  Like, a lot a lot lately.


I was thinking tonight.  Dangerous thing that.  As much as I can laugh things off, it's in the quiet places where my mind begins to piece different things together.  When I can finally sit in the quiet, in the secret, and really think.  It's also when MC asks me those open-ended questions that I have no choice but to answer, and not shy away from or hide.  You know the ones.  The ones that make you cringe because you know you have to really sit and examine not only your heart, but your emotions as well.

Tonight's been one of those nights.  And it actually started before talking with her.  Before talking with EF.  Just...before.  At 4:26am to be exact.  No, even further than that.  At 3:00am when I woke up "randomly".  *snorts*  There's no random in my life anymore.  Everything happens for a purpose.


Just...thinking...  On a lot of things.  A lot has been on my heart and my mind, and I'm realizing just how hard it is for me to share them.  Some of them I'm willing to, but others, others....others stay real close to my heart.  Not to be let out except for in the quiet of the night.  And mostly because I wouldn't even know where to begin explaining this.  I wouldn't know how to explain it.  Words...aren't necessarily my forte when it comes to my emotions.  It's easier for me to show you than it is for me to say it.

Thoughts like:
1. I wish I knew how to do this. I wish I knew, and was better at it.  Because I feel like a complete failure when it comes to this.

2. Running scared.  When things hit me, they hit me hard.  And all I want to do sometimes is pack my things, throw my hands in the air, and run.  I just...there's been so many emotions lately, that sometimes, all I can do is shout out, JESUS!!, in the hopes that I don't become snowballed under everything.  No one's fault but my own when I don't verbalize what I'm needing/feeling, and I should. *sigh*  See #1.

3. I desperately long for a hug.  Just one, giant, massive, big hug.  Why?  Because I can feel all of my insecurities beginning to pour out.  And it's not pretty.  It's messy, this life.  It's messy, doing life period.  And for most of my day, all I really want is someone to say, "I've got this."  Instead of me having to constantly fight the battle of perfectionism that I tend to veer towards when in unknown situations.  I miss those days when PT would look at me, and immediately knew if I needed a hug.  The arms would open wide, and I'd actually walk quite rapidly into them.  Strange for me, I know.  (Hey, physical touch boundaries...)  And remember always feeling safe, that no matter, even if that person knew every bad thing about me, I'd always be welcome in their arms.  Or being able to walk up at random moments, and say, "I need a hug," and arms would come around me.  I...miss that, frankly.  I miss being able to do that.  Which is, again, weird for me.  I can see just how far He has taken me when it comes in this area.  I never thought I'd ever say I miss physical touch when it comes to hugs.  But I've had an excellent spiritual family who's done nothing but love on me through hugs, so I guess it makes sense. :)

Even with all of that, I know one thing.

The goodness of God still amazes me.

Always has.
Always will.

So, I'll go to bed with a smile on my face, knowing that no matter what, my perfect peace and safe harbor is in Jesus Christ, my rock and my redeemer.  My strength and fortress in times of need.

And I remember...

I'll not only be okay.
I'll come out shining in the end.

And on my lips at the end of nights like this, all I can say is, Thank You, Jesus.  Thank You that YOU are my all in all.  I rely on You and You alone.

And then I say, "More Lord.  More."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Out of the abundance of the heart... 6-19-13

...this mouth speaks. :)

You know, I should really be in bed right now.  But, I can't seem to.  Once again, I'm extremely wired and excited.  And I blame it all on God...in a good way. :P

I had the amazing privilege to sit and talk with the bestie via phone date tonight, and she let me talk.  And talk.  And talk.  And talk.  (Oh my gosh, thanks for that!)  For an hour, I just got to share everything that's been on my heart and my mind, something that I've been needing to do for awhile now.  I've been keeping quite a bit of things quiet on the home front, and I'm okay with that. :)  There's been so much transition that's been going on, with work, with life, with spiritual things.  I just...if I could attempt to put everything onto this blog, I'd be sitting here for over 2 hours.  I reeeaaaaalllllyyyyy don't want to be here that long.

The biggest thing in my life has been the changes that I've noticed in me spiritually.  As tough as that race was in May (see previous blog about Spartan Race/Biggest Loser RunWalk), I know that something shifted in me spiritually.  Something broke in me that I have been waiting for so long to finally let go of.  And ever since that day, the glow in my heart has been getting stronger.

As the roommate put it (and if I butcher your words, sorry Ms. P!), it's like the Lord has been working on my foundations to strengthen them, and now that they've been strengthened, He's begun to build up the wall that surrounds the foundation, creating an ever stronger structure.  ME! :)

I can see how that's happening, and it all starts with the people He has surrounded me with.  Too numerous to mention, yet each one of you plays a special part in my life, and you never even realize!  From hugs, to words of encouragement, to spending time with me, to talking with me...all I can say is, I am so very much grateful that He's placed you in my life.  Thanks for that. :)

Another change that has come about has been mentally.  I no longer walk in fear of certain...things.  I am walking with an excitement, looking towards the future and asking, "Abba Father, what do You have for me?"  Or just looking up at Him in the mornings and smiling, knowing that it's been another night without nightmares (minus one last night...but it doesn't count...because it was weird...and I didn't like it...).  It's also been a bit, umm..., easier?! to capture my thoughts in the area of struggles and temptations, especially when it comes to past addictions.  It's been a bit crazy just to realize how swiftly I've come to recognize a thought as contrary to the Word, then going, "No!  I refuse to entertain you!  You have no right or entrance into my thought life, and I choose the Word .....(insert verse here of what's needed at the time)."  I never thought this day would come.  To finally be on the VICTORS side of this battle.  Yes, I still know I'll have days.  But you know what?!  My victorious days have far out-weighed the bad days, and I will rejoice in that.  And I've gotta thank D & M for the constant accountability, and the glared looks *cough cough* when I'm NOT walking in the Word! lol  (By the way, D can give some serious glared looks...makes me shrink every time! lol)

And lastly, the 3rd change.  Physically.  As someone said it earlier this past weekend, the weight on my shoulders has lifted off.  I've been walking in so much more freedom.  And the more freedom I've walked in, the more the weight has come off.  The more that I don't long to hide anymore, but I look forward to blooming, to seeing where God wants me to be.  And I am absolutely thrilled!  I have waited for this moment for so long.  (yay, the tears are coming now)  The knock down drag out fights with God, the anger, the tears, the ripping open of wounds, the displaying of all the crap for others to see when/as needed...this all to serve a purpose.  To get me to this place of freedom.  And though this journey has been one of the toughest for me, I cannot say that I regret it.  Because I don't.  I'm...thankful.  I'm...thankful...for EVERYTHING that's happened.  The good.  The bad.  The ugly.  I am truly thankful.  Not because it was right.  But because without it, I wouldn't be who I am, or where I am, that I am now.  (That was a Dr. Seuss moment there! ha) My past, my mistakes, my struggles, my trials, my temptations, my battles...my victories, my scars, my healings...all of this has made me to exactly who I am today.

And it's allowed me to realize some things...

1. I am loved beyond measure.
   I know that He loves me.  But not only does HE love me, but others do too.  It didn't really think they did. Why?  Because I always thought I wasn't worthy to be loved.  I wasn't worthy of love.  I didn't, couldn't, deserve it.  Even though others told me they loved me, I always secretly called them liars in my heart.  But, by golly, you peeps hung on to me.  You never let me forget just how much I am loved.  I see it via facebook, text messages, phone calls...  I see it when you hug me extra long, even when I don't didn't want it.  I see it when you cry with me, when you laugh with me, when you hold my hand and tell me it's going to be okay.  I see it when you dance with me, when you smile at me, when you let me put my head on your shoulder because you're taller and know I'm tired.  I see it every time, and I never thanked you all for that.  So, thank you.  God's been breaking the uglies off of me, and I can see, I'm turning out to be quite beautiful.

2.  I am wanted.
   Yet another struggle.  Who'd want me?  It all goes back to #1.  And despite everything, there's many of you who have made me realize just how wanted I am.  You all have no idea just how much you've saved my life.  At moments when I contemplated harming myself, your pictures would flash through my eyes, and I'd realize...it's not worth it.  Thank you for hanging on during the tough, crazy seasons.  Thank you for talking me off ledges, for holding me in your arms and letting me weep in them when I had no words to say what I was feeling.  Thank you for being my mothers, my fathers, my brothers, my sisters.  Thank you so much.  (ohmygolly I'm a freakin' water bucket tonight!)

3.  I am free.
   I....yeah.  Just...how to describe?  Knowing that freedom is...amazing?  That I don't doubt.  And I've got to thank some special people for that too.  Because you all hung on to the vision of my freedom, even when I no longer could see how it was possible.  You were there when I had to set boundaries, had to do the hard stuff, when I snot ragged everywhere, when I had to leave because I couldn't hold in my tears.  You were there when I needed hugs, hands, arms, hearts.  You were there when all I could do was look at you all with tears in my eyes, shake my head, and hide behind my hands because I was too ashamed to say the words.  You were there when you began to see the freedom breaking out, the healing beginning, and the wounds being healed.  You were there.  And I thank you.  I thank you for carrying that vision, that mantle, those words, spoken over me.  I thank you so very much for NEVER giving up on me, when I was so ready to quit on myself.

And two very special people I thank in my life.  One for teaching me all of the above, and yet walking out her own amazing journey.  She has believed in me from the beginning, stuck by me through all the junk, and refused to allow me to retreat and surrender, even when she had to drag me by my very short hair.  She made sure I went to every counseling appointment (by making sure I didn't cancel! lol), then waited patiently for me as I spewed everything on her.  She was there through deliverance, through healing, through freedom, through struggles, through rough patches, through anger and madness and depression.  And not once did she ever leave my side.  But instead, she stuck even closer.  She became my sister.  My family.  My very own female Jonathon.  Thank you, Mari.

The second, to a man who has taught me that not only am I precious, but I'm special.  Who makes fun of me because he loves me.  Who taught me it's not nice to hit boys.  Who taught me how to believe in myself, because he believed in me.  Who listened to my ramblings, who counseled me when it came to guys.  Who answered every single one of my questions about guys, and never flinched.  Who made me laugh at myself and my mistakes.  Who spoke strong words when needed, was quiet when needed, and who stuck up for me, and made sure I stuck up for myself.  Who helped me learn what setting boundaries is.  Who made me then stick to those damn boundaries. Who taught me to say no, who taught me to respect what I want and need.  Who still teaches me, and never even realizes it.  Who always answers my text replies for hugs with a smiley.  Who lets me buy random presents and bring them to show that always make me laugh if I know they're "him".  Who meets me for monthly dinners because I miss our random conversations.  He became my big brother.  My family.  A man I greatly respect and regard highly.  Thank you, Daniel.

And for the rest of you, I love you all too.  I haven't forgotten about you.  As a matter of fact, each one of your faces is flashing before my eyes.  I see you, and smile, and remember just those ways I am so very grateful for you.  And it excites me to know that life is still happening, still doing.  And it's good.

And before the 'rents feel left out...to the spiritual parents in my life.  Who've slapped me upside the head with truth and Word.  Who've held me, hugged me, tucked me into their arms and let me sob it all out.  Who've teased me unmercifully.  Who've talked me off ledges.  Who've walked me out of tight spots.  Who've prayed over me, with me, for me.  Who've seen all of my junk in its ugliest forms, and never flinched, judged or laughed.  Instead, they loved me, poured into me, saw me, acknowledged me, and then began to call out in me the God-awesomeness they saw in me.  They never stopped believing in me, for me.  And I love them so very much.  (ugh!  More tears!!!!)  Words cannot express just how much I love and adore you in my life.  And how very much I am humbled to call you parents.  Thank you, Papa Treiber, Jan, Lynn and Mr. Hector.  I look forward to baking many more amazing goodies for you all. :)  *cough cough*

Monday, June 17, 2013

7th Month Progress Report: 5-17-13 to 6-17-13

Ohmygolly can it get any crazier?!?!  Yes?  Please don't tell me how, thanks.  It's been crazy enough!

Okay...how to even recap this past month...

Honestly, I don't even know if I can.  So much has been going on in my life that it seems not only did this month fly by, but my sanity went with it. *waves good-bye to sanity*

Okay...trying to stay on the positive side:


1. I am OFFICIALLY 25 lbs down!!!!!!  Less than 100 to go! WOOHOO!!

2. I went clothes shopping in my closet again. :)  It was lovely.  The pile of jeans that don't fit, or were given to me, is getting smaller.  My goodwill pile is getting larger. I have no complaints over this.  Except...I might need more closet space. lol  But this also means that I will be working on sewing projects almost all weekend, trying to turn my somewhat big jeans on me into capris to wear and get dirty in at all our field trips.

3. I once again went shopping at Old Navy...and can fit into an XL in workout pants.  Just the fact that I can now go shopping at Old Navy!!!!!!!!!!  (Remember, peeps, my bday is coming up! lol <---shameless hint)

4. I tried cardio bag (aka krav maga boxing lol) for the first time!  I actually went to a class!!!!  And I thoroughly enjoyed it.  I kicked my butt within 15 minutes, but I did ALL OF IT!!!  And it felt soooo good!!!

5. I actually have stuck with the trainer's plan...even though I wanted to increase the weights, because I like weights.  That's a huge victory.  But she also threatened to take the weights away if I didn't listen....so.....I listened. lol  (She increased my cardio, and decreased my weights...I was sad.  Very, very, VERY sad.)

6.  Speaking of trainer, I actually worked out alongside her.  And. she. killed. me. LOL  But I did the ab routine!!!  And now I'm gettin' pretty darn good at it, despite the pain soreness.

7.  Still eating healthy!  And have come to hate the way my body feels after eating unhealthy/junk food.  No bueno for me.  No bueno. (Thanks for letting me steal your phrase, Christine! lol)

8.  This has nothing to do w/ weight loss, but kinda does:  I am experiencing some amazing freedom in my life.  Confronting things.  Just...amazing.  And God is doing amazing things.

It's a short list this month, but I've gotta get ready to head back to work!
Here are some pics! :)

Oct 2012

June 2013...will add later...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Freedom, Determination & Strength

I love this picture a friend of mine took while I obviously wasn't looking.  While we talked,  the one thing he kept mentioning was the look of freedom on my face. And how I seem so different from the last time we saw each other.

Yesterday was a big milestone for me. My first ever obstacle race.  By myself.  With no one to rely on. Just my faith & I out on that 4.25-4.5mi stretch of sheer torture.  Having to push myself to keep going, but in turn having others encourage me along the way. Complete strangers mind you. That last mile stretch,  my tears were hidden in the mud as I realized something.  I started this journey with the need to cling to others,  needing so much.  But now, as my fitness partners are no more, I've learned to rely on the strength & faith He has given me. Feeling so alone these past 2 months, knowing that so many changes were coming...I took yesterday as a way...a way to prove to myself just how strong I am. Just how tough I am. But also to show myself that I don't need to rely on anyone but Him. HE is my strength.

And throughout every part yesterday,  as much as I wanted to quit & give up mile after mile, I told myself to keep going, keep pushing.  And with each mile that passed,  the more tired my body got, the more determined my spirit became. The more determined I was to finish this through.

And I did it. Injuries and all, I did it. And@ 1 point,  with no one around to cheer me on, I pushed myself even more. No other voices in my head except 1: "Beautiful Beloved".

At about mile 2 was when I began to hear all of the crap that was spoken over me, said & unsaid. The labels placed on me. And that's when I began to get angry. I began to speak out against those things,  & I will say part of what fueled me was my anger. Because I'm none of those things.  I. Am. Me.

Even now as tears stream down my face, I can hear that beloved voice so much more clearly.  And I can feel the weights of my past, my present and my future fall away.  Step by step.  Mile after mile. I knew I was never going back. It's too late for me.

So, what do I see in the mirror today? Someone who is absolutely beautiful.  She is tough,  strong & determined.  Her identity is found in her Beloved & not in others.  Her spirit was once broken,  but now free. She knows who she is & makes no apologies for it. She knows what she wants & is no longer afraid to go for it. She is smart,  a fighter, & walks with conviction & purpose.  She is passionate & loves to love.

Her name is Alex.
Welcome to the new me.

Friday, May 17, 2013

6 Months Progress Report: 4-17-13 to 5-17-13

SIX MONTHS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh my golly!!  I can't believe it's been six months since this journey has started.  Half a year.  Almost to my birthday soon.  Half a year.  And man, has it been a battle!! Been I have made it this far, and for the most part, have kept it off!!  Hall-le-freakin-lujah!!

It's been six months of ups, downs, inside outs, and so much more.  This month has been the hardest of it all, I think.  So much has been going on, both physically, mentally and emotionally.  Needless to say, that means spiritually too.

From work schedule, to school schedule, to more work schedule, and then personal life happens, and so does the crap from it all.  All of that, and still able to lose 4.8 lbs this month.  And that's with inconsistent workouts due to all of the scheduling issues.

Man, is my God good!! :)


1. When I tried on jeans last month from my "new to me" side of the closet, they fit perfectly.  Now, they fit loose. :)

2.  My hips no longer touch the sides of the arc trainer.  AT ALL.  Period.  Nada.  No rub off!!  I've waited 6 long freakin' months to stop having friction burns on my hips! lol

3.  When I go grocery shopping, I now constantly look at the nutrition facts, and base my eating habits of buying stuff from reading labels, figuring out what foods are good for me, etc.  I plan my meals the same way.  That's been a HUGE change from even just a few months ago.  It has become 2nd nature to look at the label, and if it's not good for me, put it back.  I've even stopped buying sweets for the most part (minus the frozen yogurt from healthy choice! haha).  Actually, my sweet tooth has lessened considerably.  I tend to only have dessert if I go out w/ someone, and even then don't eat most of it.  I haven't been eating as much chocolate (except for yesterday....yesterday was a bad day and I needed my cocoa people!), and haven't been craving it as much either. :)  Ah, the changing of the taste buds!

4.  19.25" down since November 17, 2012. :)

5.  I'm lasting about 1.25 miles in my walk/jog intervals.  Last month was maybe a mile.  Maybe.  Usually between .8-.9 miles. :)

6.  My ankles look cute in my running shoes.  Yes, this is important to me. :) lol

7.  My head has shrunk.  Yay! :)  So has the fat around my neck.  Double yay!  Soon, no more double chin!!  Sa-weet!!!

8.  I'm learning to control my emotions through exercise, rather than through food.  This is a HUGE victory for me.  Some days are better than others, of course, but still.  To long for a run and not a burger or a giant candy bar....that is a complete 180 from where I was at.

And now, pictures I can be proud of, the further you go down! lol

Oct/Nov 2012:

Dec 2012:

January 2013:
February 2013:
March 2013:

April 2013:
May 2013:

I'll post a few more from the past month later. :)

And tomorrow, the big Biggest Loser RunWalk Off-Road Challenge.  Mud, running,obstacles.  Dude, I'm excited!!! :)

Until next month!

Oh...and I OFFICIALLY made it to my 20 lb mark, and have kept it off. :)  Now to my 30 lb mark baby!! :)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

5 month progress....3-17 to 4-17 2013

Otherwise known as...the discouragement stage.

I know, I know.  Even the trainer says I'm too hard on myself.  But man.  This. month. SUCKED.

So many medical things happening.  Not being able to workout for  3 WEEKS.  Yes.  THREE WEEKS.  That was so hard.

And then trying to get back into it, after so long.  And to top it off, that's when the crazy busyness started at both jobs.  And school.  Did I forget to mention I now have to play catch-up with school work?!  Which means I don't really sleep right now.  Because I'm 3 weeks behind schedule on everything.  Well, make that 2 weeks behind schedule.  Maybe.

And I'm tired.  And some stupid man made a horribly rude comment to me this past weekend, which discouraged me even more.

So, I'm trying to find that place again.  And also trying to find my ankles under all the swelling...

Yeah.  Month 5 has been the roughest month yet.  I lost less than an inch in a month, and I gained 1.8 lbs this month.  So yeah.  I'm not happy.  And all I want to do is quit.  And complain.  And throw things.  And hide in my bed.  And actually sleep...

I want to quit, give up, throw my hands in the air, and just say screw it all!!!!!  I'M DONE WITH THIS CRAP!!

But I'm trying not to.  Trying to take one day at a time.  Heck, more like taking 15 minutes at a time.  No, if I'm truthful to myself, it's having to take one minute at a time.  Because I'm not doing well mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.  So, if you're a prayer warrior, prayers are so much appreciated right now.  Even as the tears fall, I know that I'm at the pivotal moment that can change my course.  And I'm trying to stay on course so badly. *sigh*

So, I'll try and look at some of the positives.  Notice the word try.


1. This past week, I ran 0.86 miles on the treadmill.  The farthest I've run on the treadmill!  And that was at a 5.0 pace.  I feel like I'll eventually get to my mile...hopefully by August.  That'd be nice.  But again...swollen ankles due to how much standing on my feet I've done...

2. This morning, I put on a pair of pants that didn't fit me last time I tried them.  Last month, I couldn't fully pull them up past my thighs.  Today, not only were they up all the way, I could get them zipped.  And buttoned.  Though I still have a muffin top in them.  But not enough to stop me from wearing them.  Only because all my other pants were dirty....due to work situations...

3.  I'm slowly finding new recipes that I've been enjoying eating.  As well as introducing more fruits into my eating habits.  YAAAAY.  I still don't like fruit, though...

4.  Though I haven't given up my chocolate, I'm finding that I don't really crave it all that much anymore.  I instead crave matzo w/ peanut butter and honey, or matzo w/ pb alternative....made from cookies...that is addicting...and yummy...and only 86 calories... :)

5.  I haven't given up.  Despite the intense desire to quit, I haven't given up.

6.  I can now wear a Large in shirts from Old Navy.  NOT an XXL.  :)  This.  This made me happy!!!

7.  When I did my run/walk intervals at the park, I went 2.12 miles in 36 minutes.  I've never gone that far before!!  Or that fast, that far! :)

8.  I signed up for the Biggest Loser Obstacle Course Challenge.  And whether anyone else goes w/ me or not, I'm going.  I don't care if it's by myself.  Some days, I kind of hope it is.  Why?  So I can prove to myself just how far I've come.  I need this motivation so badly right now.

9.  I no longer keep sweets in the house.  As a matter of fact, I've stopped buying them, period.  So my chocolate stash stays at work.  And I now log EVERY PIECE OF CHOCOLATE that enters my mouth.

10.  I've stopped shopping in the inner aisles of the grocery store for most of my things.  I now try and stick to the outside aisles unless absolutely necessary.  It's taken me almost a year to get to this point!  AND I stuck to my budget!! :)

With all of that being said, that does make me feel a bit better to see and read all of that.

No pictures this month.  I took them, but I really don't want to post them this time.  They're just sad...so maybe next month.

Peace out.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

4 month progress...2-17 to 3-17-13

4 months people!!  I can't believe it's been 4 MONTHS!!!!  OMGollygeewhiz!!  And what a battle those months have been.  But I wouldn't change it or have it any other way.  These have been hard earned, and I will display every battle scar with pride!

I have lost a total of 17.6 lbs.  And as of 3/10/13, a total of 12.75+ inches.  :)

Here's a few pics of the progress:
                                                                            October 2012

                                                                      January 2013

                                                                      February 2013

                                                                      March 2013

It's proof I'm gettin' some AWESOME curves! lol  There are pics for Nov/Dec 2012, but, uh, you don't wanna see 'em.  I promise. :)

And today, today is the day I see how far/how long I can run.  I'm sticking with my half mile, as I still haven't hit a mile on the treadmill yet.  But I am excited to see if my endurance has changed. :)  This is my personal challenge to myself.  To become a runner.  Not because I like it, but because I want to prove to myself that I have the determination, dedication and desire to finish and pursue this journey to a new, healthier me.

And because I wanna have amazing legs like Desirree H. and Debbie G.  Hell, I'd just like thinner legs! lol  Oh hell.  Just gimme smaller thighs and I'll be happy! :)  I don't care about the thigh gap.  I'd just like not so many dimples! lol


1. Running on the treadmill...and looking good while doing it. I meant form, people, FORM!!! haha

2. Running .17 mi dist above where I was at last month. :)  Our (meaning trainer & I) goal is to get me to run 1 mile straight on the treadmill before I try to take it to the park.  And die.  A miserable, slow death.  And continue to work from there.  I enjoy running.  I'm getting to like running.  It's getting easier to run.  No, those are all lies.  I still don't like running.  And it's not getting easier.  It just gets harder.  Because I keep pushing myself.  So, I still don't like it.  But it's becoming therapeutic.  Running has allowed me to empty my mind of all the distractions and focus on one issue at a time.  As I pound the hell out of my fat.  You should totally see my fat jiggle. ;)

3. Doing the Run/Walk...and trying not to get freaked out and saying, SCREW IT ALL!  May is coming oh so close!!

4. Even on my worst weeks, I get up, dig in, and continue this journey.  Doesn't matter how much I work out, or how little.  What matters right now is that I'm choosing to get up, rather than staying down!!

5. Gaining confidence in who I am.  And slowly liking the way my body is now.  THIS...this is HUGE!!  I'm not where I need to be, or where I want to be, but it's lovely to FINALLY look in the mirror, and begin to say to myself, "I'm looking pretty good!", as I notice my brand new curves. :)

6. Clothing. sizes.  OMGollygeewhizz!!  It's so lovely to be able to see and note differences...and have others notice it as well.  More notice, people, more notice!! haha

7.  Spiritual differences.  I'm more focused on my faith, on Him, on how He's transforming my heart, soul, mind and spirit, than I am focused on a specific "program of weight loss". Which I have none.  Here's my program, calories in, calories out.  Eat healthy, in moderation and MOVE!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Note to Myself...3-3-13

Um, holy crud Fatwoman!!  It's becoming a reality.  You. are. losing. weight.

You don't know how.  Especially on week's when you don't work out, your eating has been crappy, and you feel like you put on all the weight you lost...  But it's happening.

So much, that you still step on the scale another 3 4 5 times just to verify that the number you saw was correct.  And you've been doing this for the past almost month.  So much so that you keep dancing for joy in the restroom every time you see your scale, rather than run and hide from it.

You're changing, Fatwoman!!  You no longer see the number on the scale as a disappointment, even when it may go up. You see it as a personal challenge to kick the scale in the ass, and shove it up lost fat's sun-no-shine area.

Matter of fact, Fatwoman, you're kicking ass.  You're own.  And I for one cannot be more proud of the changes that I've seen in you.  From letting more people in to your life, to being more open and honest on this journey.

You're no longer ashamed of who you are, but you are becoming proud of who He's creating you to be.  You can look in your kiddos eyes and see just how much they are proud of you, as you continue on this journey.  And this is where some of your strength comes in...showing them how to pursue a healthy life, so they in turn can live it to its fullest.

Fatwoman, you are slowly having to change your name to something else...like KickAssWoman, or SkinnyMini or....I don't know yet, but I promise I'll come up with something good.

I'm proud of you, woman!  I'm proud of how much you've accomplished, how far you've gone, and the willingness to continue this journey AND NOT GIVE UP.

You're doing it, woman!  And you're going strong, after 4 months, and continue on the lifestyle changes, EVEN WHEN YOU MESS UP.  What a difference this season is seeing.

And all I can say is,

Welcome back, fighter.
Welcome back, victor.
It's lovely to see you again.
You're slowly being healed from the inside out.
You're looking your abusers in the face in your mind's eye and telling them they no longer have power over you.
You're no longer walking in fear, but are slowly turning that fear into the faith to walk into the unseen realms He has for you, in EVERY area of your life.
You're no longer allowing your body to dictate who you are.  You're allowing Him, and your heart, to dictate who you will be.

I'm proud of you, woman!  I'm so, so, so proud of you.

And finally, I can say, what an honor it is to have you as part of my life.


Yourself :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

3 Month Progress: 1-17-13 to 2-17-13

3 MONTHS BABY!!!!  Dude & dudettes, I still can't quite believe I've made it to 3 months (okay, technically I'm shy of it by 2 days, but I'm gonna be busy this weekend, so needed to get this outta the way!).  Not only that, but this past month has seen some of my biggest & greatest victories so far.

Oh, lemme list 'em for ya!  I LOVE lists.  They make me happy.  And organized.  And happy!

1. Ran 1/2 a mile in 7 min and some-odd seconds.

2. Ran laps around the school gym...for fun...during recess.  Yes, for fun.  Who the hell am I?!? lol  This fat girl is learning to like to...jog.  I'm not ready for the "r" word yet. :)

3. Hit my TEN POUNDS LOST goal @ 268.8. :)

4. Started Interval training on all cardio machines (except treadmill), and am FINALLY on Level 2 on Arc Trainer (AT) and Cross Trainer (CT).

5.  My weight routine is getting so much better!!

8. Ab Coaster: went from no weights added, to 20 lbs added, to now 25 lbs added.

9. Back Extension (NOT the machine): went from using body weight, to now adding a 10 lb weight. :)

10. Ab X: went from doing 45 crunches/sit-ups/whatever you call 'em to 70...and adding extra just for fun. :)

11.  On the Assisted Dip, went from 20 Assisted Pounds, to 18 Assisted Pounds. :)

12. Went from an XL/XXL to a L/XL, depending on the shirt.  And, on some occasions, a M. :)

13.  Started pants size 24 to now a size 20, comfortably. :)

14. My belt used to be notched at the 11th hole, sometimes the 12th....now at 15-16. :)

15.  Down 5.4375 inches since 11-17-12.  (It would've been more, but I only measured waist, hips, thigh and arms then.  My bad...)

16.  From the previous month, down a total of 3.1875 inches (measuring neck, arm, chest, forearm, wrist, waist, hips, thigh, knee, calf, ankle).

17.  The biggest one of all: I THREW AWAY CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, you read me right, my friends.  Me, the chocoholic....I threw away almost all of the chocolate that was given to me.  :)  Or I gave it away to skinny people. :)

As of today, I am now weighing in at 266.6, which is a 12.2 pound weight loss so far.  I WILL TAKE IT!! :)

Now, for the battles:

1. Struggling w/ emotional eating, and losing.

2.  Fighting the desire to quit...daily...but this is also a MAJOR victory.  Because I'm fighting it, rather than giving in!!

3.  Fighting the voices in my mind that bring on fear.

And since I haven't taken recent pictures of me, you all will have to suffer with these:

January 17, 2013.  My size 22 wk pants on me

February 15, 2013.  My size 22 wk pants on me

And my waist is slowly turning into an hour-glass figure. :)

Jan 2013
Feb 2013

And lastly, the ULTIMATE in knowing you are on the right track to lookin' hot on the southside: when all the cholos go, "DAMN!!  You can lift that much?!"

Yeah, this fat girl can lift that much.  Get over it.  I'm eventually gonna lift more than you one day.  Now pick up your baggy a** pants! :)

See you all in one month! :)

P.S.  If anyone wants to do a 5K race w/ me in April, lemme know, and I'll send you over the info!!  $15/person until March 28th!!! :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

NSVs for the week :)

1. Packed all my lunches and snacks for the week, allowing me to NEVER go over calories.  And no, I did not eat back the calories I exercised.  1540.  That's it.  (It's all about the self-discipline.)

2. I made a new meal, and liked it.  Couscous w/ ground turkey, topped w/ lettuce and tomatoes for a couscous type salad.

3. I ate a real orange, vs just drinking orange juice.  And I liked it. Yay fruit! :)

4. I've been getting excited about packing lunches and snacks, and finding new meals/recipes to create that are healthy and yummy, as well as low calorie. :)

5. I jogged half a mile straight in 7:12. :)

6. I went clothes shopping in my closet, and discovered I can now wear 2 pairs of jeans I wasn't able to before!  Putting my wearable jeans to a total of 4 now!!!! :)

7. Been renewing my mind any time that voice in my head says I can't do something.  Then, I just go harder at it.

8. It's now time to move the assisted dips weight-assistance thingymabob to 18.  I started off needing it at 20.  (It's good that it's going down.) :)

9. I can now do 20 assisted dips, and not be too shaky until the last 5-10.

10. I FINALLY increased my overhead press to 40 lbs.  It's. taken. forever. :)

11. My endurance is getting so much better as I continue to push myself.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Freedom is never free....1-25-13

You always hear that phrase being tossed around.  At least, I have.

I don't think I really understood it until recently, especially this evening.

I took a step back and rested today.  I was hit hard, and literally sat in my car this morning and just sobbed for 5 minutes with such a heavy weight of frustration.  But even as I sat there, sobbing, I began proclaiming joy and peace over my emotions, and I began to battle against the anger and frustration.

That was the first time I've taken up my sword and TRULY battled.  Not just said what I thought needed to be said (fake it til you make it, all while hiding and stuffing my emotions inside until I literally made myself sick).  But instead, I let myself cry, feel the emotions, and then TOOK CONTROL of the emotions by examining them with the Word of God.

And as I battled, I realized something.  That light bulb moment.

The freedom that I desire, that I crave, that I want, that I have...
It really wasn't free.

I've had to battle for it.  Fight for it.  Dig my way out of the muck, ground, dirt and crap.
Every aspect of freedom that I've gained...all came because I battled my way through things.

I fought for every step of freedom.  I refused to give up ground, and instead, took BACK ground.

And it wasn't free.

It cost me.

It cost me time.

It cost me tears.

It cost me reopening wounds and digging out all of the infection.


And it still costs me.  It costs discipline, determination and the desire to be free in the first place.

So, I have a question for you:

What do you want to be free from?  And what will it cost you?

Are you willing to fight for your freedom?

I am.  It'll hurt.  It'll cost more tears, more time, and more wounds being dug out.  But it's worth it.

It all comes down to...

Do you think you're worth being free?

I hope you know just how valuable you are.  And that you deserve to be free.  You don't have to accept the bondage any longer.

When you begin to realize that, throw down the gauntlet and let the battle for your freedom begin!  It's worth it!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

2 month progress: 12-17 to 1-17

If someone would have told me when I first started this, that I'd actually still be sticking w/ it 2 months later, I would've smiled politely and in my head thought, "you don't know me very well".  Usually a few weeks into something this massive, I have the tendency to throw my hands in the air and give up.  Which almost happened earlier this month.

Recent picture of me as of 1/13/13:

What I looked like before I started, October 2012:

Needless to say, I don't miss how heavy I was.  I don't miss feeling like crap.  I can finally see that I have a waist, and I don't mind wearing button-down shirts (I used to not wear them because I was too self-conscious about the way I looked in them, especially as I gained weight back).  I can even see my arms/wrists are a tad smaller (which measurements have proved!).

This month was a rough month for me.  It saw some great highs, and some serious lows.  Went out of town, and didn't gain any weight...as a matter of fact, proved to myself that I didn't need the gym to find a good workout, also watched what I ate much more carefully.  Then it saw the holiday seasons, which are always rough for me.  BUT I only gained a pound during that time. (that in itself is a huge praise!)

And then January hit, and the depression started coming back up.  And it didn't help that my TOM was late. So, here I was, a miserable sobbing mess, isolating myself, hiding out in my room, and just saying to myself, I give up.  The scale hasn't moved, I've gained weight back, measurements are out of whack.  SCREW IT ALL.

BUT, I didn't give up.  I finally went to my roommate and broke down, and she prayed over me and my body.  I also prayed over my hormones and emotions, and have been slowly re-reading the Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer (because that's where the biggest battle is for me in all of this).  I've chosen to not give up.  Especially as the day that I finally went back to the gym after a few days hiatus, and I met a woman who lost 150 pounds, w/ no products, diet plans, etc.  Just watching what she ate and exercising.  Which is how I want to do it.

I've come to the realization that my nature to be addicted to certain "things" does not make in conducive to allowing me to take products, supplements, etc. to help along this journey.  I'd just abuse them, and my body.  So, I'm choosing to do this in what most people call the hard way, but the way that I know will give HIM all the glory, and not products, diets, etc. (not that some of those are bad or wrong, but they're not right for me)

This round, I won the mental battle by getting back up again.  It took me awhile, but I did it.  I got back up, got back on that damn cross trainer, and beat my time. :)  AND it just so happened that on that exact same day, my TOM started as my body began to realign itself to where it needs to be.

All that to say, the progress is slow.  The scale can be discouraging, especially as I saw the numbers jump up, but then I see my measurements go down.  I don't understand it, but hey.  I'm learning to listen to my body, figure out what's best and right for me, as well as listen to the Holy Spirit tell me which direction I should go in this.

So, month 3 starts w/ less calories to eat, more determination, and a willingness to listen to where I'm supposed to be and go.  I've been asking Him to give me a picture of what He wants me to look like after this, and what I'd like to look like, and mesh the two visions together. Probably because the vision of myself is skewed.  I've decided that I'll be doing BOTM as my devotions for this month, to help realign and refocus where I need to be and where I want to go.

This next month (month 3) will also see a new session w/ my trainer. :)  And some new victories that I can't wait to share at my 3 month progress report! :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Non-Scale Victories (NSVs)--1/6/13

1. a pair of pants that were starting to fit a bit snug fit just right now. :)

2. my hips no longer touch the cross trainer outer grips

3. I've discovered that I have some pretty awesome bicep action going on...noticed it during the arm curls yesterday, and was kinda impressed! lol

4. My desire/craving for sugar is lessening as it slowly works its way outside my system once again.

5. I'm more intentional about what I eat, yet still allow myself freedom to eat stuff like wings, chocolate, cookies, etc. on occasion.  I'm learning to not just control what goes in my mouth, but to have a HEALTHY balance and have fun with it.

6. I can see my hour glass figure slowly being defined once again.  And I'm starting to be okay w/ the fact that I have a huge badonkadonk, always will, and huge boobs, which has seen a slight marginal decrease (which I'm fine w/...I'd be sad if I lost the girls...)

7. I'm slowly liking the way I look w/ clothes on, and learning that I don't need to hide who I am underneath.

8. I'm starting to slowly examine myself in the mirror, nekkid.  And learning to be happy with who I am, fat and all.  Why?  Because though I want to lose the weight, I know it's a process and a body.  And if I'm not happy w/ myself now, I'm never going to learn to be happy with myself later, which can easily lead to another type of addiction.  So...basically, learning to take one step at a time.