First off I've gotta say, if you've been reading up on these, thanks everyone! :) And if not, no worries. I still love you. :) I just may withhold my yummy oh-so-delicious chocolate chip cookies from you! (Which, MG, I haven't forgotten that I owe you a batch!)
With all of that being said...
Today's title...kinda makes me sound a little off, right? haha I think probably because that's what is going inside my head right now. Lots of excitement, lots of dancing around, and then throw in some groans or 6 and you've got me all figured out this season! I should probably just start listing, explaining, and going from there! :)
1. Contending for the word: healthy life & supernatural weight loss. This right here has got to be the number one biggest battle in my life right now. Not the addiction, not the past...but this right here. Yes, I know it's tied to the past. And tied to the thoughts in my head. But it's been a constant battle to get up and believe this word. Partly because it seems so easy to just give in and not do it...not workout, not eat healthy, not live a healthy life. And honestly, some days I throw up my hands, say screw it all, and eat a 3 mini-scoops of vanilla ice cream w/ nutella, sugar waffle cones and M&Ms. (Yes, that's what I did tonight.) So many people tend to think it's easy, that all this enthusiasm comes naturally (did you hear me snort in laughter just now?!). They couldn't be more wrong. Though I'm learning how to enjoy it, it's still a battle. A battle inside my head going, You know what happens when men think you're beautiful. What if the abuse happens again? What if you get noticed? What if all men see is the "skinny" you and that's all you attract? What if...what if...what if... I HATE HATE that game inside my head. And every second is a battle to not give in to those lies. To take every thought captive to the obedience and knowledge of Christ. Because that's not what my Daddy Father says. But a part of me is seriously freaked out on what, exactly, would happen WHEN I lose this weight...I've never been "skinny". EVER. EEEVVVEEEERRRR. For as long as I can remember, I've always worn plus-size clothing. And now, I'm slowly seeing the light where I can very soon stop shopping at Lane Bryant because all their clothes are too big...and inside my head, though I seem to present a nice, calm, happy exterior...inside my head I am slowly wigging out. I am slowly, step by step, battling. Battling for my life, my health...for the vision and the words spoken over me concerning health, wholeness and healing. And I know so many people have so much input and ideas and yada yada yada...the one thing that I KNOW to do listen to my Daddy on what HE wants me to do. And to Debbie! lol (can't forget Ms. Debbie!) Some may be offended by this, see this as arrogant. Not really. I just need to listen to His voice...because when I hear His voice, that's when peace reigns inside my heart and my head. I don't hear the lies when I hear His voice. All I hear is the words, "Keep going, beautiful beloved! You've got this! Come on! I'm giving you MY strength. Here, take MY joy! Shout it out...let out all the tears, frustrations and anger that got you here in the first place." And, at points in time during my workouts recently, I've just done the workout, the exercise, weeping, in tears, screaming at myself to keep going, don't quit, don't stop. Learning how to OVERCOME the lies of the enemy with the truth that I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH! Is it easy? No. Not by any means. And I still quake at the thought of what might happen when I hit where I want to be weight (number) wise. (I couldn't do clothes size as I don't remember being smaller than an 18...yeah, I said that via cyber space.) But I know that I have some amazing cheerleaders who love me, been with me through the lies, through the deliverance, and through the journey. So, I'd like to give a shout out to a few people right here and now...and if I forgot you, I'm's late! lol Just hit me up and I'll add ya!
Shout out goes to: Mari--through the phone calls and texts, always pushing me to keep going, never quit, and listening as I sob on the phone. Rose D--for making me want to be a bit more competitive...not intentionally...but because I know you're, like, super buff and I wanna be like you! :) Rose B--for listening, for the hugs, and for the info on how to keep my body healthy naturally. Without you, my life would be sad. And I'd never have 4 amazing little boys to hug, cuddle and watch TV with if it wasn't for you and Nick! Debbie G--oh, this woman! oh oh this woman! Kicks my butt, and then has me coming back for me I get so excited! lol Who encourages me, and then tells me I can't go half-way in moving isn't working out! lol But who loves me enough in Christ that every time I see her I just want to hug her and thank her...because I know she doesn't realize just how much this means to me. Joe & Desiree H--who added me to their FB group, and got me to begin to challenge myself...but who also put me with the right connections to get onto this path of healthy living. Ruby P & the ladies from Thursday morning glory group--you all have NO IDEA how much I love you all! Every time I see you all I just wanna give hugs!! haha Your encouragement, wisdom and prayers have gotten me through some tough and dark times this season, and for that, I thank you. You all get to see the end results as He takes me through this journey. And thanks for letting me share what He's been doing in me!
And for the others who have prayed, given words, or just plain blessed me--thank you thank you thank you! You have no idea the encouragement you've given to me...even when I don't always want to hear it! lol
2. Freedom to be who I am in Him. Oh, how this has been a very important key this season! Learning whose I am, but also WHO I am...without excuses! :) Learning to be comfortable in my own skin, yet changing where He's called me to change. In essence, finally getting my identity from logos (head knowledge) to rhema (heart knowledge) and understanding just exactly what that means. And not accepting anything less than that! Also learning to accept myself...flaws and all. And be content with who He has made me to be...and FINALLY believing all those things He says about me. Even on bad days, days where it's stressful, or I want to rage at the world...I've seen a difference in my stance of identity...I no longer claim the bad stuff, but instead speak the Word over myself, and my situation. Which leads to...
3. Growing Up. It's taking many, many years for this to finally come to pass. But I'm realizing that I'm beginning to bloom as a woman of God. And am SO STINKIN' EXCITED about this! After the many words about this, finally understanding what He meant when He said those I'm growing up. I wish I could explain more about that, but honestly, I wouldn't know where to begin. Which is probably why a friend and I had a 3 hour conversation! hahahahaha Trying to share everything with him was way more difficult than I expected...because there was so much to share! But I thank him for listening to me anyways! :) And feeding me yummy food. :)
4. Moving. Oh my gosh the trials that went with this. Exhaustion, forgetting to pack half my crap due to exhaustion, frustration w/ myself, frustration w/ myself, more frustration w/ myself. lol Not many people know where I moved to...I'd like to keep it that way. I'm okay w/ this, actually. I honestly like being off the grid for a season. This has allowed me to get my ducks in a row personally. From finances, to prayers, to learning how to live life...I've needed this for awhile. And I have moved in with a wonderful lady who is willing to help me learn how to organize, keep house, and help me maintain a nice, cleanly environment. More like, she's willing to take my hand and show me those steps! Thanks, Ms. Patti! :) You are an answer to a prayer I never knew I had prayed until recently. This's been...interesting. I've purged over half of my things. I took MG's car loaded up to the brim, then my car loaded up front seat, back seat AND trunk. And I'm more than likely going to take another load when I begin to unpack. Goodwill has gotten so much from me I think I single-handedly supplied their store for a week! lol Including furniture! But honestly, this has been a season of purging. Out with the old woman, in with the new mind-skin. The new me. The me that is free, whole, healed and delivered. The me that I always knew was inside, but I was so stinkin' scared to let out. And honestly, I love who He's making me to be. I'm great! lol
And with all of that being said...I wish we could sit down face to face and I could tell you just exactly what's been on my heart lately. But that would take way longer than this blog to do! So, I'll leave you with a song that has been playing on the radio recently, and when I first heard it, I was like, YES! :)
With all of that being said...
Today's title...kinda makes me sound a little off, right? haha I think probably because that's what is going inside my head right now. Lots of excitement, lots of dancing around, and then throw in some groans or 6 and you've got me all figured out this season! I should probably just start listing, explaining, and going from there! :)
1. Contending for the word: healthy life & supernatural weight loss. This right here has got to be the number one biggest battle in my life right now. Not the addiction, not the past...but this right here. Yes, I know it's tied to the past. And tied to the thoughts in my head. But it's been a constant battle to get up and believe this word. Partly because it seems so easy to just give in and not do it...not workout, not eat healthy, not live a healthy life. And honestly, some days I throw up my hands, say screw it all, and eat a 3 mini-scoops of vanilla ice cream w/ nutella, sugar waffle cones and M&Ms. (Yes, that's what I did tonight.) So many people tend to think it's easy, that all this enthusiasm comes naturally (did you hear me snort in laughter just now?!). They couldn't be more wrong. Though I'm learning how to enjoy it, it's still a battle. A battle inside my head going, You know what happens when men think you're beautiful. What if the abuse happens again? What if you get noticed? What if all men see is the "skinny" you and that's all you attract? What if...what if...what if... I HATE HATE that game inside my head. And every second is a battle to not give in to those lies. To take every thought captive to the obedience and knowledge of Christ. Because that's not what my Daddy Father says. But a part of me is seriously freaked out on what, exactly, would happen WHEN I lose this weight...I've never been "skinny". EVER. EEEVVVEEEERRRR. For as long as I can remember, I've always worn plus-size clothing. And now, I'm slowly seeing the light where I can very soon stop shopping at Lane Bryant because all their clothes are too big...and inside my head, though I seem to present a nice, calm, happy exterior...inside my head I am slowly wigging out. I am slowly, step by step, battling. Battling for my life, my health...for the vision and the words spoken over me concerning health, wholeness and healing. And I know so many people have so much input and ideas and yada yada yada...the one thing that I KNOW to do listen to my Daddy on what HE wants me to do. And to Debbie! lol (can't forget Ms. Debbie!) Some may be offended by this, see this as arrogant. Not really. I just need to listen to His voice...because when I hear His voice, that's when peace reigns inside my heart and my head. I don't hear the lies when I hear His voice. All I hear is the words, "Keep going, beautiful beloved! You've got this! Come on! I'm giving you MY strength. Here, take MY joy! Shout it out...let out all the tears, frustrations and anger that got you here in the first place." And, at points in time during my workouts recently, I've just done the workout, the exercise, weeping, in tears, screaming at myself to keep going, don't quit, don't stop. Learning how to OVERCOME the lies of the enemy with the truth that I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH! Is it easy? No. Not by any means. And I still quake at the thought of what might happen when I hit where I want to be weight (number) wise. (I couldn't do clothes size as I don't remember being smaller than an 18...yeah, I said that via cyber space.) But I know that I have some amazing cheerleaders who love me, been with me through the lies, through the deliverance, and through the journey. So, I'd like to give a shout out to a few people right here and now...and if I forgot you, I'm's late! lol Just hit me up and I'll add ya!
Shout out goes to: Mari--through the phone calls and texts, always pushing me to keep going, never quit, and listening as I sob on the phone. Rose D--for making me want to be a bit more competitive...not intentionally...but because I know you're, like, super buff and I wanna be like you! :) Rose B--for listening, for the hugs, and for the info on how to keep my body healthy naturally. Without you, my life would be sad. And I'd never have 4 amazing little boys to hug, cuddle and watch TV with if it wasn't for you and Nick! Debbie G--oh, this woman! oh oh this woman! Kicks my butt, and then has me coming back for me I get so excited! lol Who encourages me, and then tells me I can't go half-way in moving isn't working out! lol But who loves me enough in Christ that every time I see her I just want to hug her and thank her...because I know she doesn't realize just how much this means to me. Joe & Desiree H--who added me to their FB group, and got me to begin to challenge myself...but who also put me with the right connections to get onto this path of healthy living. Ruby P & the ladies from Thursday morning glory group--you all have NO IDEA how much I love you all! Every time I see you all I just wanna give hugs!! haha Your encouragement, wisdom and prayers have gotten me through some tough and dark times this season, and for that, I thank you. You all get to see the end results as He takes me through this journey. And thanks for letting me share what He's been doing in me!
And for the others who have prayed, given words, or just plain blessed me--thank you thank you thank you! You have no idea the encouragement you've given to me...even when I don't always want to hear it! lol
2. Freedom to be who I am in Him. Oh, how this has been a very important key this season! Learning whose I am, but also WHO I am...without excuses! :) Learning to be comfortable in my own skin, yet changing where He's called me to change. In essence, finally getting my identity from logos (head knowledge) to rhema (heart knowledge) and understanding just exactly what that means. And not accepting anything less than that! Also learning to accept myself...flaws and all. And be content with who He has made me to be...and FINALLY believing all those things He says about me. Even on bad days, days where it's stressful, or I want to rage at the world...I've seen a difference in my stance of identity...I no longer claim the bad stuff, but instead speak the Word over myself, and my situation. Which leads to...
3. Growing Up. It's taking many, many years for this to finally come to pass. But I'm realizing that I'm beginning to bloom as a woman of God. And am SO STINKIN' EXCITED about this! After the many words about this, finally understanding what He meant when He said those I'm growing up. I wish I could explain more about that, but honestly, I wouldn't know where to begin. Which is probably why a friend and I had a 3 hour conversation! hahahahaha Trying to share everything with him was way more difficult than I expected...because there was so much to share! But I thank him for listening to me anyways! :) And feeding me yummy food. :)
4. Moving. Oh my gosh the trials that went with this. Exhaustion, forgetting to pack half my crap due to exhaustion, frustration w/ myself, frustration w/ myself, more frustration w/ myself. lol Not many people know where I moved to...I'd like to keep it that way. I'm okay w/ this, actually. I honestly like being off the grid for a season. This has allowed me to get my ducks in a row personally. From finances, to prayers, to learning how to live life...I've needed this for awhile. And I have moved in with a wonderful lady who is willing to help me learn how to organize, keep house, and help me maintain a nice, cleanly environment. More like, she's willing to take my hand and show me those steps! Thanks, Ms. Patti! :) You are an answer to a prayer I never knew I had prayed until recently. This's been...interesting. I've purged over half of my things. I took MG's car loaded up to the brim, then my car loaded up front seat, back seat AND trunk. And I'm more than likely going to take another load when I begin to unpack. Goodwill has gotten so much from me I think I single-handedly supplied their store for a week! lol Including furniture! But honestly, this has been a season of purging. Out with the old woman, in with the new mind-skin. The new me. The me that is free, whole, healed and delivered. The me that I always knew was inside, but I was so stinkin' scared to let out. And honestly, I love who He's making me to be. I'm great! lol
And with all of that being said...I wish we could sit down face to face and I could tell you just exactly what's been on my heart lately. But that would take way longer than this blog to do! So, I'll leave you with a song that has been playing on the radio recently, and when I first heard it, I was like, YES! :)
I LOVE YOU! And am VERY, remarkably, adorningly proud of you!!!! I have seen where you started, your progression, your fears and scars fade away, and now more importantly coming into the beautiful mixture of Proverbs 31 and Esther woman of God. I cannot express how much my heart is filled with joy and gratitude that I get to call my friend, but also that I am on this journey with you. I love you dear friend, to infinity and beyond :D
ReplyDeleteI love you too M! :) THANK YOU for your encouragement and push! And for making me eat healthier! lol
DeleteAlex, You are beautiful!!! My heart is full of love for you at this very moment. I have so much I want to say in response to this...
ReplyDeleteThe reason I do what I do is not because of the physical.
God specifically told me I would be a source of light to those who may be hurting in any way. Those who need healing on the inside. Empowering. Offering hope.That is my mission every time I step onto the battlefield and exercose is the weapon used to tear down, do away with and rebuild and replace!! There isn't one client I do not pray for and over as we train. You are doing incredible and the journey is only just beginning. With every inchworm you do , you are inching away from fear and inching into confidence. every time you do a push up you are pushing away any thing that has tried to attach itself to you and you are rising up in a beauty of strength. With every gruelling mountain climber, you are taking yourself to a higher place of assurance and empowerment! Life is a battle and you are well equipped!! You have all the tools and you are a warrior!
I am so proud of you girl!!!
Oh and let me just say... You will never be skinny if I have anything to do with it!! You will be STRONG and LEAN!!!! Skinny is not allowed ;)
See you in the morning for another butt kickin workout!!
haha! Thanks Debbie! I love you dearly! Every time I see ya I just wanna hug you! :) Even though I might give you the stare of doom during the workouts, I really do love 'em!! :)
DeleteI was reading this and going...yeah! Push through this inchworms! Woohoo! I'm doing those push-ups. Then in my head, I was going...wait a minute...she hasn't given me mountain climbers...NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! lol
See you soon! And thanks for reading and commenting! :)
Awe!! That's so awesome!! I'm glad and humbled at the same time!! You are an amazing woman!! Inside and out, no matter what!! You are breaking barriers, you are living for you. that's awesomesauce. Glad I could be a part of your journey. NOW!! 10 burpees and 10 starjumps!!
ReplyDeleteUh, I protest the burpees and star jumps. Stupid star jumps! lol Actually, I'm doing the burpees now...we'll see how well I can do 'em w/ my legs still screaming at me from Saturday! lol
DeleteSpeaking wanna join me some time this week for a workout???