Okay, right off the bat I've gotta say...IT'S BEEN INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOOO much has happened...such craziness has been going on. From stress to dancing to supernatural stuff to, well, God moments. Some things I can expound and share on, others I'm not able to due to circumstances and situations currently. So I'll see how much I can get done here. :)
Well, when I moved, I don't think I completely understand the reason for the move. Meaning I had no idea just the kind of things God was about to take me through, all of them good and exciting and amazing. I had NO CLUE the doors of opportunity or blessings that were getting ready to begin to pour out. And for those of you who haven't seen me or heard from me, in, like, forever and a day...don't feel bad. I haven't really been talking much to anyone really. That's been intentional. No, I haven't isolated myself. It's been more of a, "oh dear Jesus there's so much going on that all I can do is remain focused on You so I don't waiver to the left or the right FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS". Moving in to a new home that is centered, its very heartbeat, is hospitality and the movement and ministry of the presence of God...well, that's been rockin' my boat in good ways! lol I've been learning SO MUCH, and yet there's so much that I haven't been able to put into words yet. Just...an overwhelming flood of emotions just begin to pour out most of the time.
Anywho...moving in here has been amazing. God-encountering.
Making Spirit and Life my home has been...LIFE CHANGING. Every time I go...well, more words have been poured over me in the past month than the total received in the PAST YEAR. Yeah, that's right. You read that right. You really did. I have NOTEBOOKS on the words given to me. Some that I've kept SUPER close to my heart and inside the prayer closet. And others that I have been able to share glimpses of.
Now fast-forward to about a month-3 weeks ago. A dear friend of mine asked if I would consider ministering at a youth conference w/ my testimony and allowing the presence and power of God to just flow during the time given. Well, I can tell you honestly...I was in awe. And shocked. But mostly in awe. Ask my roommate. I went to her at 3am or so, and was like, "oh. my. golly. oh my golly. oh my golly." I think it was over and over again! lol You see...several words have been given to me throughout the years regarding something like this. But in my heart, I kinda told God, "Me?! Really?!? Me??? The girl who liked being the wallpaper and NOT the center of attention? The one who doesn't like to publicly speak in front of people? And You're telling me that I have this calling on my life, to, well, SPEAK? ARE YOU NUTS?!?!?!?!" Pretty much sums up my conversation the first few minutes after I read the invitation sent to me. And I can tell you that now, I no longer think that way. It's more like, "JESUS YOU'RE GONNA BE SO AWESOME THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And doing my giant happy dance that I haven't really been able to stop doing since last night. :)
Now fast forward again to about the beginning of April...and HUGE attack began to happen in my life. I literally came home one night just...in tears...crying, "Lord, I don't understand. What's going on? Why is this happening?" And it's not something I'll be able to expound on, so if you're reading this, you more than likely won't understand what I'm talking about. Just be okay w/ that ahead of time. Basically, it's been a month of walking out the door and immediately battling the whole way to work, at work, during work, and driving back home from work. And even now, the battle isn't over. Right now I'm praying for wisdom and discernment, as well as a hedge of protection over my staff and I. The battle has been intense, and the fight isn't over...but I KNOW that truth will prevail in this season. :)
Now fast forward again to 2 weeks ago...where I had a date w/ a man. We talked for 4 1/2 hours. Yes, that's right. I TALKED W/ A STRANGER FOR 4 1/2 HOURS STRAIGHT. If you know me, you know what a HUGE breakthrough that was. And the cool thing was...no fear there. Just a whole heckuva lot of nerves. You can ask MC. I was texting her the whole time I was waiting for him to show up! lol From there began a friendship....from talking about God things, to character issues, to home life, to testimonies, to, well....more things than I even think I knew I had words for inside me...we delved through some seriously big things. And during that time I ate humble pie several times! lol But it was all good. But anywho...meeting a man who liked me for me. And who saw the presence of God in me...and told me flat out that there was something different in me. I about balled when I came and told me roommate the details of all of this. All that to say...it's been a good friendship overall. I'm learning some things about myself. I'm also learning how to be myself, and that it's okay to be who He has made me to be. And that that won't scare away people if I really am who I am, no games and no facade. The really cool thing is...I got my answer to the prayer I've been seeking/praying for the past 2 weeks. And it was a very clear answer. (No worries MC. I know I still owe you a text and an explanation from this morning! lol) And I am THRILLED with the answer AND the season He has me in! :) So that part of my life has just been plain FUN! :)
Lastly...the past 2 days. If you've been keeping up w/ my facebook statuses, you know some seriously awesome and intense God moments have been happening. Let me backtrack to last night at dinner after church. (Can I just say how much I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE my church home?!?!?!) Well, last night at church God was moving and flowing and working. I know I had some serious boldness on my mouth! lol Anywho, went to dinner w/ a family, and some new friends. (YAY NEW FRIENDS!) After we ate, one of the guys has this waitress come over, and he (TJ, the guy) begins to tell us how he had given her a word that he saw light being reflected off of her. Which the waitress had confirmed that word and the meaning of it to him right before he asked us to gather 'round and pray over her. So, we gathered round and did what Jesus freaks (my term in this situation, NOT a dig or a bad thing...I think it's freaking AWESOME! lol...or to steal someone else's phraseology...a Holy Spirit lush :) ) do best...we prayed. And God began to move. Prophetic words began to flow over this woman named Carmen. And as the tears came down, God moved even more. Come to find out, everything was right on. Not only was it right on, after checking to see if she had received Christ as her Lord and Savior, we then began to ask her if she wanted to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Well, she said yes. Then had the opportunity to pray for her to receive her prayer language. Which happened quite suddenly. :) Of course! lol (that suddenly seems to be happening a lot lately in my life) Not to mention, even before that occurrence, one of the ladies at our table at a prophetic word for our waiter, Angel. Which HE then confirmed that that word was right on. So, basically, ALMOST ALL OF LAST NIGHT was one Holy Spirit bomb after another. Lots of cool awesomeness happening! hehe
Now fast forward to today...where NC and I were invited to come hang out at said family's home for an impromptu gathering and fellowship. We'd been there since 10:30 this morning. And dear Lord I LOVE THAT FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!! Their littlest one has captured my heart. :) Me and Jacob are like 2 peas in a pod baby! lol Actually, I just LOVE their family period! :) Anywho...we had a worship jam session in the living room. Oh wait! Lemme backtrack a bit! We had a barbeque today at their place. TJ (remember the guy from the restaurant that was w/ us) was there...and came back in w/ a new person who he had met "randomly" on the street and invited him in to eat and fellowship w/ us. (Did I mention how much I LOVE hanging around these presence-driven Jesus people?! lol) He came in, we all chatted and talked and fellowshipped and laughed. Then came the worship session. Where I was called out and asked, "I know you have something!" lol Always makes me nervous being called out like that! No matter how many times it happens, ALWAYS makes me nervous! :/ Good thing this is training ground! haha Anywhoo....began to give the Word that He had given me an hour before that...drawing/visuals included, when I was kinda stopped, and someone was brought in who needed to hear that word. And then He began to move. And deliverance began to take place in that person. And had the amazing privilege to see Him move and shake and work. And then miracles began to happen. And then the Spirit began to just flow and shake and...well, WOWZERS it was COOL! :)
The great thing is...I know this is JUST THE BEGINNING! OMG I can't believe I forgot ONE OF THE COOLEST PARTS!!!!!!!!!!
As TJ and several others were praying...gold dust began to appear on a face. Yes, you read that right. GOLD DUST! You could literally see gold dust reflected off of the face. You could feel His presence begin to just MOVE. And then we noticed the aroma of the garden of heaven just outside the door of the home we were at. BEAUTIFUL! And then more deliverance and healings began to take place. Words being spoken. Spirit of adoption beginning to take hold and root in people's lives. Several of us being called out to, well, pray healing and other things. :) hehe The cool thing is...gold dust began to appear on my little buddy. Started w/ a single fleck on his hand (mind you...the one he was praying w/). Then another appeared. Then I noticed another on his cheek as we were laughing in the kitchen afterwards. Gold dust on one of the women there.
The even greater thing....is that this is the norm for a believer. :) This realm of the supernatural is becoming my normal now. The things I have been praying for, waiting for...are coming in in those "AND SUDDENLY" moments.
And all I can say is...I'm SOOOOO looking forward to Friday! I don't know what He'll be doing, but it is gonna be BIG!
And I keep thinking....Lord, all in preparation for the speaking time at the youth conference, but also for preparation and training for what is to come!
With all of that being said....I know it's a lot to catch up on. A lot to read. And some of you may think I've gone off my rocker. And quite honestly, I've come to the conclusion that I don't really care whether people think I'm off my rocker or not. You cannot persuade me otherwise that my God does not move. Because He does. And He can move in whatever way pleases Him. The only thing He needs is an open vessel.
So, are you really open? Or are you just all comfy in your positions, going, "that isn't real"? Are you really open to ALL He has, or are you so biased and set against His Spirit that when He tries to come, you immediately shut it down?
Time for a heart check, people!
See....Jesus freak...and lovin' it. This is my passion and desire...the one thing that matters most to me in the world above all else...His presence. :)
SOOO much has happened...such craziness has been going on. From stress to dancing to supernatural stuff to, well, God moments. Some things I can expound and share on, others I'm not able to due to circumstances and situations currently. So I'll see how much I can get done here. :)
Well, when I moved, I don't think I completely understand the reason for the move. Meaning I had no idea just the kind of things God was about to take me through, all of them good and exciting and amazing. I had NO CLUE the doors of opportunity or blessings that were getting ready to begin to pour out. And for those of you who haven't seen me or heard from me, in, like, forever and a day...don't feel bad. I haven't really been talking much to anyone really. That's been intentional. No, I haven't isolated myself. It's been more of a, "oh dear Jesus there's so much going on that all I can do is remain focused on You so I don't waiver to the left or the right FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS". Moving in to a new home that is centered, its very heartbeat, is hospitality and the movement and ministry of the presence of God...well, that's been rockin' my boat in good ways! lol I've been learning SO MUCH, and yet there's so much that I haven't been able to put into words yet. Just...an overwhelming flood of emotions just begin to pour out most of the time.
Anywho...moving in here has been amazing. God-encountering.
Making Spirit and Life my home has been...LIFE CHANGING. Every time I go...well, more words have been poured over me in the past month than the total received in the PAST YEAR. Yeah, that's right. You read that right. You really did. I have NOTEBOOKS on the words given to me. Some that I've kept SUPER close to my heart and inside the prayer closet. And others that I have been able to share glimpses of.
Now fast-forward to about a month-3 weeks ago. A dear friend of mine asked if I would consider ministering at a youth conference w/ my testimony and allowing the presence and power of God to just flow during the time given. Well, I can tell you honestly...I was in awe. And shocked. But mostly in awe. Ask my roommate. I went to her at 3am or so, and was like, "oh. my. golly. oh my golly. oh my golly." I think it was over and over again! lol You see...several words have been given to me throughout the years regarding something like this. But in my heart, I kinda told God, "Me?! Really?!? Me??? The girl who liked being the wallpaper and NOT the center of attention? The one who doesn't like to publicly speak in front of people? And You're telling me that I have this calling on my life, to, well, SPEAK? ARE YOU NUTS?!?!?!?!" Pretty much sums up my conversation the first few minutes after I read the invitation sent to me. And I can tell you that now, I no longer think that way. It's more like, "JESUS YOU'RE GONNA BE SO AWESOME THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And doing my giant happy dance that I haven't really been able to stop doing since last night. :)
Now fast forward again to about the beginning of April...and HUGE attack began to happen in my life. I literally came home one night just...in tears...crying, "Lord, I don't understand. What's going on? Why is this happening?" And it's not something I'll be able to expound on, so if you're reading this, you more than likely won't understand what I'm talking about. Just be okay w/ that ahead of time. Basically, it's been a month of walking out the door and immediately battling the whole way to work, at work, during work, and driving back home from work. And even now, the battle isn't over. Right now I'm praying for wisdom and discernment, as well as a hedge of protection over my staff and I. The battle has been intense, and the fight isn't over...but I KNOW that truth will prevail in this season. :)
Now fast forward again to 2 weeks ago...where I had a date w/ a man. We talked for 4 1/2 hours. Yes, that's right. I TALKED W/ A STRANGER FOR 4 1/2 HOURS STRAIGHT. If you know me, you know what a HUGE breakthrough that was. And the cool thing was...no fear there. Just a whole heckuva lot of nerves. You can ask MC. I was texting her the whole time I was waiting for him to show up! lol From there began a friendship....from talking about God things, to character issues, to home life, to testimonies, to, well....more things than I even think I knew I had words for inside me...we delved through some seriously big things. And during that time I ate humble pie several times! lol But it was all good. But anywho...meeting a man who liked me for me. And who saw the presence of God in me...and told me flat out that there was something different in me. I about balled when I came and told me roommate the details of all of this. All that to say...it's been a good friendship overall. I'm learning some things about myself. I'm also learning how to be myself, and that it's okay to be who He has made me to be. And that that won't scare away people if I really am who I am, no games and no facade. The really cool thing is...I got my answer to the prayer I've been seeking/praying for the past 2 weeks. And it was a very clear answer. (No worries MC. I know I still owe you a text and an explanation from this morning! lol) And I am THRILLED with the answer AND the season He has me in! :) So that part of my life has just been plain FUN! :)
Lastly...the past 2 days. If you've been keeping up w/ my facebook statuses, you know some seriously awesome and intense God moments have been happening. Let me backtrack to last night at dinner after church. (Can I just say how much I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE my church home?!?!?!) Well, last night at church God was moving and flowing and working. I know I had some serious boldness on my mouth! lol Anywho, went to dinner w/ a family, and some new friends. (YAY NEW FRIENDS!) After we ate, one of the guys has this waitress come over, and he (TJ, the guy) begins to tell us how he had given her a word that he saw light being reflected off of her. Which the waitress had confirmed that word and the meaning of it to him right before he asked us to gather 'round and pray over her. So, we gathered round and did what Jesus freaks (my term in this situation, NOT a dig or a bad thing...I think it's freaking AWESOME! lol...or to steal someone else's phraseology...a Holy Spirit lush :) ) do best...we prayed. And God began to move. Prophetic words began to flow over this woman named Carmen. And as the tears came down, God moved even more. Come to find out, everything was right on. Not only was it right on, after checking to see if she had received Christ as her Lord and Savior, we then began to ask her if she wanted to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Well, she said yes. Then had the opportunity to pray for her to receive her prayer language. Which happened quite suddenly. :) Of course! lol (that suddenly seems to be happening a lot lately in my life) Not to mention, even before that occurrence, one of the ladies at our table at a prophetic word for our waiter, Angel. Which HE then confirmed that that word was right on. So, basically, ALMOST ALL OF LAST NIGHT was one Holy Spirit bomb after another. Lots of cool awesomeness happening! hehe
Now fast forward to today...where NC and I were invited to come hang out at said family's home for an impromptu gathering and fellowship. We'd been there since 10:30 this morning. And dear Lord I LOVE THAT FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!! Their littlest one has captured my heart. :) Me and Jacob are like 2 peas in a pod baby! lol Actually, I just LOVE their family period! :) Anywho...we had a worship jam session in the living room. Oh wait! Lemme backtrack a bit! We had a barbeque today at their place. TJ (remember the guy from the restaurant that was w/ us) was there...and came back in w/ a new person who he had met "randomly" on the street and invited him in to eat and fellowship w/ us. (Did I mention how much I LOVE hanging around these presence-driven Jesus people?! lol) He came in, we all chatted and talked and fellowshipped and laughed. Then came the worship session. Where I was called out and asked, "I know you have something!" lol Always makes me nervous being called out like that! No matter how many times it happens, ALWAYS makes me nervous! :/ Good thing this is training ground! haha Anywhoo....began to give the Word that He had given me an hour before that...drawing/visuals included, when I was kinda stopped, and someone was brought in who needed to hear that word. And then He began to move. And deliverance began to take place in that person. And had the amazing privilege to see Him move and shake and work. And then miracles began to happen. And then the Spirit began to just flow and shake and...well, WOWZERS it was COOL! :)
The great thing is...I know this is JUST THE BEGINNING! OMG I can't believe I forgot ONE OF THE COOLEST PARTS!!!!!!!!!!
As TJ and several others were praying...gold dust began to appear on a face. Yes, you read that right. GOLD DUST! You could literally see gold dust reflected off of the face. You could feel His presence begin to just MOVE. And then we noticed the aroma of the garden of heaven just outside the door of the home we were at. BEAUTIFUL! And then more deliverance and healings began to take place. Words being spoken. Spirit of adoption beginning to take hold and root in people's lives. Several of us being called out to, well, pray healing and other things. :) hehe The cool thing is...gold dust began to appear on my little buddy. Started w/ a single fleck on his hand (mind you...the one he was praying w/). Then another appeared. Then I noticed another on his cheek as we were laughing in the kitchen afterwards. Gold dust on one of the women there.
The even greater thing....is that this is the norm for a believer. :) This realm of the supernatural is becoming my normal now. The things I have been praying for, waiting for...are coming in in those "AND SUDDENLY" moments.
And all I can say is...I'm SOOOOO looking forward to Friday! I don't know what He'll be doing, but it is gonna be BIG!
And I keep thinking....Lord, all in preparation for the speaking time at the youth conference, but also for preparation and training for what is to come!
With all of that being said....I know it's a lot to catch up on. A lot to read. And some of you may think I've gone off my rocker. And quite honestly, I've come to the conclusion that I don't really care whether people think I'm off my rocker or not. You cannot persuade me otherwise that my God does not move. Because He does. And He can move in whatever way pleases Him. The only thing He needs is an open vessel.
So, are you really open? Or are you just all comfy in your positions, going, "that isn't real"? Are you really open to ALL He has, or are you so biased and set against His Spirit that when He tries to come, you immediately shut it down?
Time for a heart check, people!
See....Jesus freak...and lovin' it. This is my passion and desire...the one thing that matters most to me in the world above all else...His presence. :)