Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day Two...Oh the pain!!

Woke up super early today...an hour and 15 minutes early to be exact.  When I looked at the clock, I wasn't happy.  Then I thought...hmmm...I can get my workout in earlier and have more time in my day to go run some errands...and then I was happy again. :)

So, what I forgot to mention last night is that my best friend of the past year and a half...I had to give away.  His name was "the dreaded scale".  I've discovered that I'm horrendously number conscious, and even when I'm doing good, and I know that muscle weighs more than fat, and that I'm doing things right...anytime that scale jumps up, I feel myself berating myself (I know...awkward statement that one), beating myself up, calling myself all kinds of horrific names, and going into a depression of sorts.  So, to stop that, I handed over the scale last night to my workout buddy, NC.  She cheered when I told her I was letting go of the scale for a while.  I went to the bathroom this morning, and looked at the spot where it was located, and felt this sadness that it was gone.  Which tells me what kind of dependency I had on that stupid inanimate object.  So, I guess it's a good thing it's gone.  How I'm going to keep track of this journey, I don't know.  Except to possibly just weigh in at her place, since she has the bff there in her car.

Anywho...woke up today sore in my legs and thighs.  Seriously asking myself if I want to keep pushing (of course I do, I just like being comfortable, that's all, which is what caused this obesity in the first place....gasp, yes, I said, according to my BMI I'm obese).  The funny thing is, is that I know I'm fairly healthy, in regards to cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.  Only thing that's been a niggle in the back of my mind has been blood sugar issues, and making sure I get enough vitamins and minerals to stay consistently healthy (thanks, calorie counter website, for telling me my grade every day, and letting me know if I'm getting enough nutrients).  So, day 2 of this journey...I'm thinking maybe going for a little hike...or just popping in the power sculpt dvd with the evil Jillian Michaels...or I even have a yoga DVD...that sounds better...cause then I can stretch all the soreness, as MC suggested.  And afterwards, I can eat a banana, like DM suggested.  See, I'm listening, people, just on my own terms! lol

So, good morning little tiny world of mine.  Let's get ready to rock and roll! :)

Next time I make fun of a workout, just tell me to shut up.  I finally popped in the Pilates Body Band DVD that I was given, like, a year ago.  I was just thinking...oh, this'll be a great stretching thing to help with my soreness.  It's not REALLY a workout.  I betcha you don't even break out in a sweat.

I have eaten humble pie.  Not only did it stretch out and help the soreness in my legs, but because it was the body band workout, my arms got their own workout while the rest of my body did too.  And now they hurt! lol  AND I got a little "dewy".  And I admit it...I had TONS of fun with this.  Probably 'cause I wasn't jumping around everywhere trying to follow weird crazy calisthenics movements.  Instead, I did a low-key workout that my body still feels. :)

So far, so good.  Fun adventure day 2!  Now to try a plum for the first time (hey, I'm not a fruit person), get ready for work, make my smoothie for lunch, pack dinner and snacks, come home, get my workout on w/ Naomi again (going walking/jogging again), then on to home again for the night. :)  I'ma lookin' forward to it!! :) whoop whoop!

Oh, and I did my First Place 4 Health bible study today again...week 2 day 2.  Lord, thank You for keeping me on track!  Lifestyle change, NOT a diet! :)
I should journal.  Really.  But too tired.  No evening workout. :(  Stayed at work late.  Good thing I got my morning workout in!  Called several people, including MC and DM, for advise on supplements.  Decided no potassium supplements.  Will try fish oil (ewwwwwwwww).  Did research online as well.  Fish oil seems to be the vote.
On to bed.  Tired.  Sore.  Tired.
Night world.  Til tomorrow!

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