Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What Prayer Is & What Prayer Isn't

                 What Prayer Is                                                                 What Prayer Isn't
Entering into a conversation w/ God                                  Viewing God as a grantor of our wishes
Seeking God's direction with choices                                 Asking God for a stamp of approval on decisions
Humbling ourselves before Almighty God                          Demanding our rights

This was on page 17 of my reading today.  I picked up the new book I had ordered, thinking, well, I need something to read while I wait for my clothes to get out of the washer, so why not this one?

And when I got onto page 17, there at the top was this lovely list.  Now, mind you, I'm pretty sure we've all heard these before.  This little comparison table...but one of them caught my eye in particular. "Asking God for a stamp of approval on decisions."

When I read that, my heart just went, eeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk I'VE BEEN FOUND OUT! 

Lately, it hasn't been about seeking.  It's been about me telling the Lord this is what's going to happen, and this is the way it's going to be, and You're gonna bless it.  (See the pride there?!)  Never taking into His account that He wants an input.

And I've been seeing that attitude a lot in myself as things have come up with work, school, decision making...  Always into the plans, the back-up plans, etc.

It's come to the point where I've resorted to some old habits, bad habits, that come right in line w/ what prayer ISN'T.  And my heart needed to hear that this morning.

Especially as I sit and pray over my staff and kiddos today, praying over their day, praying for strength and grace over my staff, praying for a smooth transition for the parents and myself, and praying over my campus. I needed my eyes and my heart to be re-focused on why I was placed there to begin with.  And to not allow others expectations to dictate my actions and attitudes.

So, as I sit here and type out the mile-long to do list (especially since I'm now having to play catch up), I'm having to remind myself and my spirit to not only just breathe, but praying for His breathe to enter in as I begin to seek Him for some answers on just what I want this year to look like.  Writing down the visions, the expectations, the goals...and taking those before Him and asking Him how those look like, and how they can be accomplished.

I have big dreams this year.  Bigger than the ones I've ever had working in this program.  And I believe that they are God-given.

Now I just need to learn to surrender my plans versus HIS plans.  Never easy, but I'm willing to try.